mathinna Flashcards
cultural influence - expressive intention - sample one
aboriginal heritage, Nunnukul people of the Muraldjali clan in the Yuaamben tribe. Despite growing up in Brisbane, Page maintained family ties to his aboriginal heritage as it was passed down by his father.
HOW: his life and heritage, influenced by his ties to aboriginal culture
LINK TO EI: based on the story of a young indigenous girl (Mathinna) who was brought up outside of traditional values which reflects Page’s alternate upbringing
Cultural Influence - expressive intention - sample two
One of the first civilisations, being the first ancestral owners of our land. The first fleet in 1788 landing in Port Jackson, unaware the land was already inhabited. From settlement white society has believed aboriginals were beneath them and gained rights to remove half cast children from their families and assimilate them into white society in an attempt to wipe out the race. Known as the Stolen Generation beginning in 1869 - the late 1900’s.
HOW: not only the country’s heritage nut also his cultural heritage as it impacted significantly on indigenous culture due to the deprivation of their rights.
LINK TO EI: Mathinna an indigenous girl born in a mission in 1835 and adopted by an english family in 1839. Showing a deep connection to the idea of assimilating indigenous children into white society due to Mathinna’s story being a recount of events.
cultural influence - movement vocabulary - sample one
a dance company developed in 1975, specifically training indigenous people in dance on the central coast of NSW.
HOW: Page was influenced by NAISDA as he trained with them from 1983-1988, touring with them across Europe and the artistic director of their end of year production in 1989.
LINK TO EI: movement represents aboriginal cultured dancing. EG: female dancers positioned on their knees while extending their upper body along the floor, extending their both arms along the floor. The influence of NAISDA is also seen with the use of contrasting pop and contemporary style by creating an A frame on their hands and feet to developè their right leg vertically into the air, to continue by contracting the leg back in at the knee
cultural influence - movement vocabulary - sample two
INFLUENCE: Indigenous culture
based off living from the land, while developing a close sense of community. Values of community + kinship are displayed through story telling and performances which connect them to their culture.
HOW: his own heritage being of aboriginal culture, Influenced by his own upbringing as his father was of aboriginal decent.
LINK TO MV: expressed through tribal movements, grounded showing a connection to the land. e.g.: all female dancers extend there right leg while binding their left leg and running their arms repeatedly down the extended leg displaying the organic connection to the land.
cultural influence - form - sample one
INFLUENCE: AUSTRALIAN HISTORY based around the invasion of the land by the English after supposedly believing it was barren land. The First Fleet arrived in Port Jackson in 1788 unaware that the land was already inhabited. At the time of English invasion Indigenous Australian’s lived a contrasting lifestyle which was considered to be beneath the living standards of the English. As a result of this belief Indigenous Australians were stripped of their culture as children separated from their families in an attempt to assimilate them into white society through missions and camps.
HOW: Stephen Page is exposed to Australian History, particularly the pain suffered by those of Indigenous Heritage. Page was of aboriginal heritage and may have experienced the same resentment for white society as his ancestors.
LINK TO FORM: production begins with Aboriginal scenes within a nomadic lifestyle which was associated with Indigenous culture. The narrative form continues as white society is introduced and overtakes the cultural heritage of Indigenous society which created oppression and manipulation which is reflected in Mathinna and Australian history.
cultural influence - form - sample two
Indigenous culture is closely associated with a connection to the land through dance and performances as stories are passed down through generations
HOW: Stephen Page was exposed to Indigenous Culture as his fathers side was of Aboriginal heritage, passing down important values associated with the culture including: kinship,community and a strong connection to the land as a belief system. The Indigenous culture was evidently passed down through Page’s upbringing with his close ties to story telling through dance and performances.
LINK TO FORM: production portrays a progressive story which represents the story telling aspect of Indigenous culture through performance which is heavily associated with indigenous culture and heritage.
cultural influences - production aspects - sample one
includes a number of indigenous productions, including the opening and closing ceremony of the Australian Olympic Games. Other works include: Totem, Alchomy, and Vites by The Australian Ballet
HOW:t was his career which includes an extensive range of professional and acclaimed productions which have been influenced by his Indigenous heritage.
LINK TO PA:theatrical props such as the horizontal pole which suspended the three main dancers in the section ‘Mutton Bird’. Production aspects within Mathinna also included: advanced lighting and sets, large scale sensibility which contain major graphical statements through there use of aboriginal costuming such as intricate body paintings.
cultural influence - production aspects - sample two
ndigenous culture is widely known to be based off the belief system of a connection to the land, as being one of the oldest civilisations in the world. A major aspect of the Indigenous culture is to associate stories, particularly those of the dreamtime which are passed down through generations by the use of dance and performances.
HOW: his family was heavily influenced by indigenous culture, as his fathers side was aboriginal. Page’s upbringing would have been centralised with the belief systems of indigenous cultures such as community and kinship, with a spiritual connection to the land.
LINK TO PA:raditional costuming which included simplistic clothing such as cloth dresses and coverings for male dancers. Production aspects which also reflected indigenous culture was body paintings
what is the influence for expressive intention sample one ?
stephen page’s heritage
what is the influence for expressive intention sample two ?
Australian history
what is the influence for movement vocab sample one ?
what is the influence for movement vocal sample two?
indigenous culture
what is the influence for form sample one ?
Australian history
what is the influence for form sample two ?
indigenous culture
what is the influence for production aspects sample one ?
Stephen Page’s previous choreographic work
what is the influence for production aspects sample two ?
Indigenous Culture
what does NAISDA stand for ?
National Aboriginal Islander Skills Dance Association
spatial organisation - sample one
SECTION : MUTON BIRD all three dancers are suspended in the air by a prop which consists of a horizontal wooden beam, on a high level hanging from their feet as they project an outwards focus to the audience.The use of a high level and outer focus was demonstrated to portray the actions of the mutton bird, free within nature which is a major aspect of Aboriginal heritage. The dancers represent their culture’s totem animal: the mutton bird as they hang from the prop which replicates a branch of the mutton
bird . The literal actions of the mutton bird are depicted as the dancers complete circular crunches with their upper bodies, moving on an upwards axial direction. An upwards axial direction was used to portray the aboriginal totem animal of the mutton bird which spends it’s time in the air before descending to the water for food.The dancers use a large dimension as both arms extended horizontally, creating an angular position as they bend at the elbow. The use of a large dimension throughout the arms was demonstrated to portray the flying action of the mutton bird, which clearly portrays the heritage of the aboriginal culture and the close to link to the land as the basis of their religion as the mutton bird represents heir totem animal.
spatial organisation - sample two
During the section ‘People’ in Mathinna the group of male dancers are seen walking downstage in a cluster, creating a large dimension across the stage. The use of a large dimensions is demonstrated as the male dancers form a cluster enabling the portrayal of an aboriginal tribe and their hunt for food as they grasp spears in their hands. The dancers depict hunting motions as they walk downstage on a forwards direction, portraying the use of spears as they grasp the hunting tool in their had and pull it back behind their line of their shoulder. The indigenous culture relies on respecting and living off the land which is clearly represented as they demonstrate the motion of spearing to hunt for food.The dancers use an outer focus and a high level as they walk downstage replicating the use of spears to hunt for food. The use of a high level and an outer focus is used to portray the tribal community of Indigenous Australians, where they consider their community as family forming a kinship, this is demonstrated as the dancers walk within a cluster displaying their relationship and unity.
spatial organisation - sample three
During the section Mutton Bird in Mathinna the three male dancers remain suspended by their feet from the prop (horizontal wooden beam) representing a tree branch , demonstrating a high level. The use of a high level represents the indigenous totem animal of the Mutton Bird as they extend both arms horizontally outwards, while bending at the elbow to create an angular line, displaying the wing span flying action of the mutton bird. The dancers repeatedly rotate their upper bodies from side to side, maintaining the arm alignment, displaying the use of an axial direction and an outer focus. The use of an axial direction and an outer focus, displays the true nature of the mutton bird soaring though the air as the dancers remain suspended by the wooden beam, replicating the action of flying through the air. A large dimension is used to display the freedom of nature and the overall actions of the mutton bird as the entire length of the dancers bodies are displayed, implying a soaring/flying action.
spatial organisation - sample four
During the section people Mathinna the group of female dancers are positioned on the ground as they sit on their knees, displaying a low level. The use of a low level displays the strong connection with the land and nature which surrounds them, which is typically associated with the aboriginal culture. The dancers are positioned on the ground sitting on their knees as they extend their upper body over their knees, looking down to the ground displaying an inner focus and small dimension. The use of an inner focus and small dimension displays the dancers connection to the land as the movement moves along the ground, portraying how aboriginals believe they are on land to serve it as they demonstrated a movement which can be received as worship to the land. The female dancers extend both of their arms along the ground in front of them, displaying a forwards direction as they move against the floor to depict a reaching action. The use of a forwards direction displays how the dancers remain connected to the land, a basis of their religion which is displayed as they remain parallel along the ground.
what is the movement for spatial organisation sample one ?
- circular crunches and elongation of body (mutton bird)
what is the movement for spatial organisation sample two ?
- walking with spears (people)
what is the movement for spatial organisation sample three?
- rotating upper body and angular arms (mutton bird)
what is the movement for spatial organisation sample four?
- females kneeling on ground extending upper body over knees and reaching arms forward (people)
what are the spatial organisation elements in sample one?
Direction: upwards axial
Level: high
Dimension: large
Focus: outer
what are the spatial organisation elements in sample two?
Direction: forwards
Level: high
Dimension: large
Focus: outer
what are the spatial organisation elements in sample three?
Direction: upwards axial
Level: high
Dimension: large
Focus: outer
what are the spatial organisation elements in sample four?
Direction: forwards
Level: low
Dimension: small
Focus: inner
what is the movement for group structure sample one?
females extend right leg and and corresponding arms along leg while bending the left leg and collapse over knees. Males enclose by walking in (people)
what is the movement for group structure sample two?
circular crunches and elongation of body (mutton bird)
what is the movement for group structure sample three?
repeated twisting of torso + angular arms (mutton bird)
what is the movement for group structure sample four?
females on the ground extending upper body and arms over knees while males circle around them. (people)
what is the formation/ group structure of sample one?
females in square+ one in the middle while males create a circle around them (people)
what is the formation/ group structure of sample two?
three male dancers are equally positioned across the branch (mutton bird)
what is the formation/ group structure of sample three?
three male dancers are equally positioned across the branch (mutton bird)
what is the formation/ group structure of sample four?
females in square+ one positioned in the centre as males circle around them
EI of elements in group structure sample one?
UNISON: as females collapse over their knees in unison males also display unison as they all walk to enclose over the females. Used to portray the varying gender roles of men and women within an Indigenous society as they remain in unison according to their gender
SYMMETRY: relationship between each such as kinship as each side equally represents the other which shows the equality between each member.
EI of elements in group structure sample two?
UNISON: displays the close bond between each dancer as remain bonded together by the repetitive movements of curling and elongating the body
SYMMETRY: predictable migration pattern of the mutton bird across the the pacific ocean each year as the dancers are positioned equally across the prop
EI of elements in group structure sample three ?
UNISON: the bond of kinship + community remaining bonded together by the in sync movement as the repeatedly rotate their upper bodies from side to side
SYMMETRY: predictable migration pattern each year across pacific in the equally symmetrical flock pattern
EI of elements in group structure sample four?
UNISON: community as the members and bound together by their movement which is performed at the same time as the females extend their upper body over their knees on the floor
SYMMETRY: community as each dancer is positioned equally to represent their shared place within community as everyone is presented the same across the stage.