Math Pt. 2 Flashcards
How to solve absolute value equations
- Isolate the absolute value
- Set the answer as positive and negative
- Solve for x for both equations
9 rules of exponents
See Word doc
Percent equation
% = part/whole x 100
Two instances of undefined numbers
- Dividing by zero
2. Square root of negative
How to make a factor tree for prime factorization
- Find two factors of the number
2. Repeat the process for each of the resulting branches and they all end in a prime
How to draw a normal distribution graph
Draw a bell curve separated into 6 vertical lines: -2SD, -1SD, mean, 1SD, 2SD.
From left to right, the sections are ~ 2%, 14%, 34%, 34%, 14%, 2% (as in percent of data points).
What does standard deviation mean
Standard deviation is a measure of the average distance between the values of the data in the set and the mean.
What does a box plot mean
The quartiles of a set of values are the three points that divide the data set into four equal groups, each representing a fourth of the population being sampled. The middle line represents the median.
Factoring exponents
- Look for squared bases e.g. 64^3=(8^2)^3
- Convert to prime numbers e.g. 20^6=(2^2x5)^6
- Factor using common bases e.g. 15^15-15^14=15^14(15-1)
Difference betweem permutations and combinations
With a combination, the order is irrelevant (must divide out redundancies).
Permutations often ask for arrangements, orders, schedules or lists.