Maternal Newborn Nursing Flashcards
signs of pregnancy
Presumptive signs
Changes experience by the woman that make her think she is pregnant.
Presumptive signs
Amenorrhea, fatigue, nausea & vomiting, urinary frequency,
Breast changes, quickening, uterine enlargement, linea nigra, chloasma and striae gravidarum
Probable signs
Changes that make the examiner suspect a woman is pregnant, primarily related to physical changes of the uterus
Probable signs
Cervical changes, hegars signs, Chadwick’s signs, goodell’s sign, ballotment, Braxton kicks, positive pregnancy test, fetal outline felt by the examiner.
What are Hegars’ sign
Softening and compressibility of the lower uterus
What is Chadwick sign?
Deepened violet bluish color of vaginal mucosa secondary to increased vascularity of the area.
What is the goodell’s sign?
Softening of the cervical tip.
What are positive signs?
Signs that can only be explained by pregnancy.
Fetal heart rate detected by electronic device ( Doppler transducer) at 10 to 12 weeks and by a no electronic device (feta scope) at 20 weeks.
Active fetal movements and outline of the fetus via radiography or ultrasound.
What are the medication that can cause false positive or false negative results?
Anticonsulvants, diuretics, and tranquilizers.
What is gravida?
Is the number of pregnancies.
What is nulligravida?
A woman who has never been pregnant.
What is primigravida?
A woman in her first pregnancy.
What is multigavida?
A woman who has two or more pregnancies.
What is parity?
Number of pregnancies in which the fetus reaches viability (ability to survive outside the womb approximately 20 to 24 weeks or more than 5000 g or 2 lbs) regardless whether the fetus is born alive or not.
What is nullipara?
No pregnancy belong the stage of viability.
What is primapara?
Has completed one pregnancy to stage of viability.
What is multipara?
Has completed two or more pregnancies to safe of viability.
What is GTPAL?
Term births ( 38 weeks or more)
Preterm births (from viability up to 37 weeks)
Abortions / miscarriages ( prior to viability)
Living children
What is an indirect Coombs test?
Determines if the client is sensitized to Rh- positive blood.
Prenatal care
Beings w/ initial assessment and continuous through out the pregnancy. Visits: Every month for the first 7 months Every 2 weeks during the 8 month Every week during the last month
Measuring fundal height
Fundal height measure in centimeters should equal the week of gestation.
Client must empty bladder.
Measure from the level of the symphysis pubis to the upper border of the fundus.
Nagele’s rule
Estimates the date of delivery
Add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period
Subtract 3 months
Add 1 year
What is the purpose of Hgb electrophoresis test in prenatal care?
It identifies hemoglobinopathies ( sickle cell anemia and thalassemia)