Maternal Health Flashcards
In the later stages of
pregnancy, sudden impact,
such as a car accident, can
lead to serious injury to
the fetus. The most
common injury is??
when the placenta
separates itself, either
partially or completely,
from the uterus.
Placental abruption
lack of universalization of services
lack of political will
poor status of women in society
rural urban differential
05 lack of acceptance of the issue as a social priority
“..defined as the health of a
woman of reproductive age
including; but not limited to,
during pregnancy, childbirth
and postpartum period.
Maternal health
death of a women while pregnant or within 42 days of
termination of pregnanc
Maternal death
deaths resulting from obstetric complications of the
pregnant state, from interventions, omissions, or incorrect
treatment, or from a chain of events.
Direct obstetric deaths
Deaths resulting from previous existing disease or
disease that developed during pregnancy
Indirect obstetric death
death of a woman from direct or indirect obstetric causes,
more than 42 days but less than one year, after
termination of pregnancy.
Late maternal death
death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of
termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of
Pregnancy related death
people with midwifery skills who have been trained to
proficiency in the skills necessary to manage a normal
delivery and diagnose and refer obstetric complications.
Skilled birth attendant
The major complications that account for nearly 75% of all
maternal deaths are:
Severe bleeding
Highblood pressure during pregnancy(eclampsia and ore eclampsia)
Complications in delivery
Unsafe abortions
Factors that prevent women from receiving or seeking care
during pregnancy and childbirth ar
Health system failures
Social determinants
Harmful gender norms/inewualities
Social determinants
Eclampaia and pre eclpamsia
Gesational diabetes
Giving birth to low weight babies
Postpartum depression
Postpartum hemmorrhage
Maternal sepsis
Development of HTN with proteinuria induced by
pregnancy generally in the second half of gestation
Addition of convulsions in a woman with preeclampsia