Material Properties Flashcards
What properties can be determined from a tensometer?
. Elasticity
. Ultimate tensile force
. Ductility or plasticity
What is elastic deformation?
Material stretches under loading. When force is removed, it returns to its original length/shape.
What is plastic deformation?
Material stretches under loading. Once force is removed, it does not return to original shape/length.
How do you carry out a tensile test, and what equipment is needed?
A tensometer is needed.
Create a test specimen. Place into the tensometer. If it is manual, turn the handle. A graph of results is produced. Material is tested to failure.
Draw a test specimen and indicate on the drawing two important physical readings that would have to be taken at the beginning of the test.
Look at red jotter for answer.
Explain the link between Young’s modulus and material properties.
A high Young’s modulus means a high level of stiffness, and vice versa.
High values of Young’s modulus will result in a steeper line on the stress strain graph.