mat pilates repetoire Flashcards
scapula solations
arms over shoulders
arms float up to ceiling protracting scapula
retract scapula
arm dissociations
arms start over shoulders
float back towards the ground ovberhead
return to starting postion
neck rolls
roll head from side to side
hip twist level 1
one knee drops out to the side
return to centre
alternate sides
one leg stretch level 1
one leg extends stretching along the ground to full extension
return to 45
alternate sides
scissors level 1
float on leg up to table top
return to ground
alternate sides
pelvic rocks
imprint and arche lower back into and away from mat
neutral finding exercise
spinal rotations hip twist level 2
arms at 90
both knees drop over to one side at a time
ribs stay on the ground twist through waist to lift and rotate the hips
double leg stretch level 1
one leg extends long along mat arms extend over head, circle around drawing a D shape
as leg returns
alternate sides
one leg stretch level 2
prp float one leg to table top extend the leg forwards and upwards on a diagonal line fold leg back to table top lower leg alternate sides
hundreds level 2
one leg to table top
hold postion pump arms
5 hundreds breath swap legs
hundreds level 3
both legs in table top
pulse arms
scissors level 2
one leg table top
alternate legs
scissors level 3
reciprocal walking movement with legs on exhale
hold for inhale
swap legs
one leg circle level 1
one leg table top
draw small circle above hip with knee
one leg circle level 2
straight leg over thigh
draw small smooth circle with toe on ceiling
abdominal preparation
hands hammock behind head
chest shoulders and head lift maintaing neutral spine
oblique prep
abdominal prepartion with twist to the side
armpit to knee
shoulder bridge level 1
roll up to shoulder bridge
roll back down to neutral
shoulder bridge level 2
hold bridge postion lengthen and extend one leg bend leg back to reusme shoulder bridge postion roll back down repeat alternating side
clam level 1
side lyng
feet together on ground
top leg lifts towards ceiling
clam level 2
feet float
clam opening closing movement continues
clam level 3
bottom leg extends
food of the top legs tucks in behind the knee
clam movement contines
knee passes past mid line on close
clam level 3
bottom leg extends
food of the top legs tucks in behind the knee
clam movement contines
knee passes past mid line on close
side kick level 1
side lying
top leg lifts to hip heigh knee bent to 90
sides forwards to 90 at hips
back in line with the body
side kick level 2
side lying top leg extends long slides forward to 90 at hip back in line with body bottom leg bent
lift and lower
side lying
both legs long
top leg abducts to hip height
leg lift
side lying legs long abduct top leg to hip height adduct bottom leg to meet top leg hold both legs in lifted postion lover both legs to the mat
swimming level one
legs ligt and lenthen one at a time
swimming level 2
arms reach over head
lift one at a time to shoulder height
return to mat
swimming level three
opposite arm and leg lift simultanesouly
altnerating sides
one leg kick level 1
one leg kicks up towards butt, pulse 3 times alternate point and flex
one leg kick level 2
foot kicks towards butt pulse three times alternating point and flex
leg extends lifting thigh off the ground
hover leg
return to mat
repeat alternating sides
swan dive level one
arms and elbows at 90 forhead resting on mat
lift breastbone to hover off the floor, allow the neck and head to following the movement keeping neck long
lower breastbone to mat, neck and head following movement
swan dive level 2
shoulders and elbows at 90
lift breastone to hover off the floor, allow the neck and head to follow the movemnt, simultaneously hover arms one inch off the mat
return to mat
breast stroke prep level 1
forhead on mat arms long
slide shoulder bladesaway from ears, hover arms off the mat keep palms facing inwards
head remains down neck long
breast stroke prep level 2
slide shoulder down
extend fingertips towards toes and hover amrs off the mat
lengthen upper body to hover of the mat
no lumbar extension
roll up level 1
sitting up right legs 45 in front
roll off the back of the sitting hones in a small ROM to round the pelvis and the lumbar spine
rolol forwars on to the tops of the sitting bones, restack spine to neutral
spine stretch
seated cross legged cossack position
roll the spine forwards, roll the nose forwards towards chest roll shoulders and upper back forwards, roll middle and lowerback forwards
seated roll down
spine twist
seated cossack position
upper body twists to either side
pelvis steady
mermaid sitting postion stretch to one side then the other
book openings level one and two
side lying arms in front
top arm opens up, chest twists opens
level 2
drawing a circle with the top arm
roll downs
roll down
the saw
seated legs wide arms at shoulder height
twist opposite shoulder and arm to oppostie leg over arm goes behind
other side
rolling like a ball level 1
sit on tailbone with c curve spine hands resting on mat
tuck chin
roll back
lower back and spine lifts off the ground, arms stay long on mat
rolling like a ball level 2
hands hold ankles seated with c curve spine
roll back
lower back andback lifts off the ground
roll back up to seated
rolling like a ball level 3
hands hold ankles seated with c curve spine roll back lower back andback lifts off the ground roll back up to seated feet hover off ground
the seal
rolling like a ball,holding ankles at knee hight external rotated
roll back
roll back on to sit bones, clap ankles together three times
the crab
rolling like a ball with ankles crossed
hundreds level 4
head in abdo prep, legs in table top
pump arms
hundreds level 5
legs straight, abdo prept
pump arms
one leg stretch
level 3
prp double table top
head down one extends long on 45
return to table top
alternate sides
one leg stretch level 4
prp double table top one leg extends on 45 degrees addition of reciprocal movement both legs move simultaneously hands swap to sit palm on the thigh of the bent leg (opposite sides) other arm long, arms swap legs swap
one leg stretch level 5
double table top abdo prep
one leg straight one in table top, oppotisde palm on tight
swap swap
double leg stretch level 2
double leg table top
arms draw D shapes
double leg stretch level 3
double table top
arms draw D one leg extends returns to TT
repeat alternating sides
double leg stretch level 4
double TT abdo prep
arms draw D one leg extends one bends
double leg stretch level 5
double tt abdo prep
both legs extend away simultaneously, arms draw D’s
scissors level 4
double table top
reciprocal toe taps
two swaps on inhale two swaps on exhale
scissors level 5
abdo prep
both legs extend, one to floor one to chest arms grab ankle of leg up straight pulse to chest
swap legs
breast stroke
prone hands on forearms forarms chest and head lift keep upper body lifted off mat extend arms long overhead sweep back to hips sweep back overhead return to bend under the forehead return to mat
prone shoulders and elbows at 90 lift upper body off mat, straightening arms into lumbar and thoracic extension return to mat
shoulder bridge level 3
shoulder bridge
one leg extends, return to bridge
other side
shoulder bridge level 4
shoulder bridge
leg extends, hip extends to 90 over hip
point and flex foot as waving leg from one long line to 90 at hip
swimming level 4
bird dog
4 point kneeling
opposite arm and leg lift and lengthens swap
one leg kick level 3
lie on front proppped up on elbows and forearms
shoulder flexed approx 100
lift breast bone away from mat (sphinx position)
kick leg up to butt pulse 3 times point flex
one leg kick level 4
spinx poistion
bend leg to bum pulse three times point flex
thigh/leg lifts off the ground before returning to mat
hip twist level 3
suppine one leg in tt
tt leg falls out to the side
return to centre
hip twist level 4
double tt
one leg falls to the side
return to centre
hip twist level 5
double tt arms wide
both legs fall to one side, opposite hip lifts
return to centre
alternate side
side kick level 3
side lying both legs long
top leg abducts to hip height
kick forward to approc 90
return in line with body
side kick level 4
side lying both legs long
top leg abducts to hip height, adduct lower leg to meet
lower leg hovers off mat
top leg kick back and forth
side kick level 5
side lying propped up on bottom elblow
lift both legs to hover off mat
top leg kicks back and forth
side kick in kneeling
high kneeling position, transfer weight to one side, hand finds the ground top leg goes long
abduct to hip height
kick back and forth
return to high kneeling
leg pull in prone prep level 1
four point kneeling knees over tap down
leg pull in prone prep level 2
4 point kneeling
knees hover
shoot to plank, hold, return to hover
return to plank
leg pull in prone
lift lenthen and extend one leg point toes
return to mat
leg pull in supines level 1
seated legs long
push into reverse plank
leg pull in supine lvel 2
reverse planl
bend one knee tap toe on the ground
leg pull in suppine level 3
reverse plank
straight leg lifts
teaser level 1
prp arms lowered overhead
arms float over head
roll upon to sit bones
arm float over head
teaser level 2
prp legs in 45 one leg etended 45 degress
arms extended overhead
arms float over head roll up, arms go overhead
roll back down
roll down with push up
roll down
walk forward to plank positon
push up, box or on knees