Master Mo Flashcards
Who was Mozi, and what was his philosophy based on?
Mozi was an early advocate of universal consequentialism, evaluating actions based on their outcomes for the greater good.
What were some of Mozi’s core principles?
Impartial caring, supporting the worthy, rejecting aggression and luxury, and promoting frugality.
What did Mozi criticize about Confucianism?
Its emphasis on elaborate rituals, such as music and extended mourning practices, which he deemed unnecessary.
What objective standard did Mozi use to determine what is right?
‘Heaven’ (天), a universal and impartial principle encouraging contributions to the common good.
How did Mohists view Confucians?
As lazy and self-indulgent, overly fixated on tradition and rituals that did not benefit society.
What is the Caretaker Argument in Mozi’s philosophy?
It demonstrates the moral superiority of impartiality by showing that impartial people treat everyone equally and are more reliable in uncertain situations.
Why is impartiality preferable, according to the Caretaker Argument?
Impartiality ensures fair and equal treatment, especially in critical situations like war or long journeys.
What is Impartial Caring in Mozi’s philosophy?
Treating others as one treats oneself, promoting harmony and eliminating conflicts.
How would impartiality eliminate conflicts, according to Mozi?
Individuals would not fight, families would live in harmony, and states would avoid war.
What does Mozi identify as the root cause of evils like hatred and theft?
What is the criticism against Mozi’s Impartial Caring?
Critics argue it creates a false dichotomy and contradicts human nature, as people prioritize close relationships.
What is Mengzi’s argument in the Practicality Argument?
Human nature is partial, showing more care for family.
How do Mohists counter the Practicality Argument?
Humans are adaptable, and impartiality can be cultivated through education, rewards, and punishments.
What is the Mohist view on human adaptability?
Humans can cultivate impartiality despite natural tendencies.
What is the Mohist solution to violence and chaos in a state of nature?
A centralized authority under a wise and benevolent ruler, the Son of Heaven (天子), who acts as a moral guide.