mass movement Flashcards
what is mass movement
downslope movement of rock and soil
-umbrella term for a wide range of specific movements
what are the specific types of mass movements
-rotational slide
4 main influences on mass movement
-size of the sediment
-water content in the slope (pore water pressure)
-vegetation cover
-height and angle of slope (dip)
what is pore water pressure
- pressure exerted by water within the pores of a soil, rock, or sediment
what is fall
-rapid form of mass movement
-blocks of rocks dislodged by mechanical weathering or by hydraulic action
-undercutting of cliffs by creation of wave cut notches
what is topple
-where rock strata have very steep seaward dip, undercutting by erosion will lead to instability of blocks of material toppling seaward
what influences topple
-geological structure
what influences translational slide
-very low angle seaward dip in strata prevents falls
-material slides down the dip slope towards the sea
what is rotational slide/slumping
-occur along curved failure surface
-huge masses of material slowly rotate downslope over periods
-water plays important role
what is flow
-common in weak rocks
-materials become saturated, lose cohesion and flow downslope
-saturation because high tides and heavy rainfall
what are the stages of rotational slides
-bedding plane between impermeable clay and permeable sand dips seaward
-cracks develop in the cliff top during hot weather as soil and sediment dries out creating routes for rainwater
-heavy rain saturates permeable sand, loading cliff material
-water percolates through permeable sand and forced to move along sand/clay boundary as clay is impermeable
-high pore water pressure in sand creates internal pressure in cliff
-toe erosion by marine processes undercut cliff
-curved failure surfaces develop in sand and whole cliff rotates about a point
types of mass movement
-translational slide
-rotational slide
difference between rotational and translational landslides
-rotational = downward and outward movement of a mass on top of concave upward failure surface
-translational= slides downwards and outward on top of an inclined planar surface