maslow MC Flashcards
As a young man, Maslow experienced a fortuitous event that changed his life. This event happened when he
a. met Alfred Adler.
b. first kissed his cousin Bertha Goodman.
c. made the Dean’s honor roll at Cornell.
d. converted from Judaism to Protestantism
Maslow regarded his mother as
a. a very religious person.
b. a kind and genteel person.
c. a mystic who could forecast future events.
d. a self-actualizing person.
e. none of these.
During childhood and adolescence, Maslow was
a. shy and socially backward.
b. pampered by his mother.
c. overly combative with his older brothers
d. more interested in sports than in books.
In his theory of motivation, Maslow assumed that
a. people in different cultures have different basic needs.
b. motivation is nearly always conscious.
c. people are motivated by one need at a time.
d. people are continually motivated by one need or another.
e. all of these are correct.
Maslow’s concept of a hierarchy of needs assumes that
a. higher needs have prepotency over lower needs.
b. lower needs have prepotency over higher needs.
c. love needs are more basic than physiological needs.
d. cognitive needs must be satisfied before aesthetic needs become motivators.
e. aesthetic needs are prepotent over cognitive needs.
When safety needs are not satisfied, a person will be motivated by these needs.
a. physiological
b. safety
c. love and belongingness
d. neurotic
e. cognitive
During his early professional career, Maslow was influenced mostly by
a. Erik Erikson.
b. Harry Harlow.
c. Sigmund Freud.
d. Carl Jung.
e. Carl Rogers
Safety needs are usually strongest for
a. children.
b. men.
c. women.
d. hungry people.
e. mountain climbers.
Maslow said that basic anxiety is experienced when people
a. fail to satisfy physiological needs.
b. feel alienated from other people.
c. fail to satisfy safety needs.
d. develops a fear of being and doing their best.
e. are motivated by metaneeds.
A person who has never received love is likely to
a. devalue it.
b. be strongly motivated to attain it.
c. experience basic anxiety.
d. be motivated by esteem needs
Feelings of self-worth, confidence, and competence were considered by Maslow to be
a. unnecessary for self-actualization.
b. esteem needs.
c. self-actualization needs.
d. love and belongingness needs.
According to Maslow, neurotic needs are activated
a. only when satisfied.
b. only when frustrated.
c. whether or not they are satisfied.
d. when love and belongingness needs are frustrated.
With regard to needs, which of these statements would Maslow endorse?
a. Safety needs must be satisfied more fully than physiological needs.
b. People are usually conscious of their underlying needs.
c. The order of needs may be reversed in certain cases.
d. One need must be completely satisfied before another can become a motivator.
e. If people cannot satisfy their love needs, then they can skip to the level of esteem needs.
According to Maslow,
a. some behavior is not motivated.
b. all behavior has a cause.
c. both of these.
d. neither of these.
Maslow believed that people who fail to satisfy self-actualization needs
a. embrace the M-values.
b. suffer from metapathology.
c. become neurotic.
d. embrace the B-values.