Marxism and the media Flashcards
What are the 2 types of marxists?
Instrumental and Neo
What do instrumental Marxists say about the role of the media?
Primary role: to promote a myth of meritocracy and keep a largely passive audience from criticizing capitalism
> maintains status quo = ‘alienating man for his potential’
What do Marxists say about media owners?
Part of the ruling class who consciously manipulate media content to transmit a conservative ideology to control the wider population and maintain their wealth and privilege
What do Marxists say about media content?
- Narrow and biased, reflecting the opinions of the ruling class generally and media owners in particular
- Government doesn’t effectively regulate media content because the political elite are part of the ruling class
What are instrumental and neo marxists?
- Instrumental: Traditional - all about ideology and conscious manipulation
- Neo: New - more about hegemony and cultural ideology
Who speaks about the 5 ways of ideological manipulation?
What are the 5 ways of ideological manipulation?
1) Many favorable representations of the wealthy
2) It spreads the myth of meritocracy
3) News often dismisses radical view points as extremist, dangerous, silly and a conservative (ruling class) view of the world as normal
4) Negative portrayal of ethnic minorities and immigrants serve to divide the working class and discourages criticisms of the ruling class
What is the ideological nature of the media according to instrumental Marxists?
The primary role of the media is to spread ruling class ideology and maintain status quo
- keeping the current unequal capitalist system in place
What do Marxists assume?
The audience is passive
- audience: mass of unthinking robots who’re passive and easy to manipulate
- essentially take what they see in the media at face value and believe what they see without questioning it
What do Adorno and Horkheimer talk about?
Mainstream, mass culture is mostly produced in an entirely rational way
- creative decisions intertwined with commercial decisions
When do Adorno and Horkheimer talk about media?
What’s an example of A&H’s point?
In movies: stories, characters and actors are all chosen because they’re considered to be the most appealing to a particular audience
What are the problems with mass culture?
Products of this culture industry encourage us to conform and obey
> more in common with propaganda than real culture
- The way culture is produced
- How it’s presented
- How we consume it
- The ways it encourages us to think or not to think
What do A&H view as real culture?
Should challenge us, stimulate critical thought and encourage individuality
- Valuable to help cultivate a critical disposition in people
Who supports A&H point?
Curran - 2003
What does Curran do?
Found lots of evidence owners directly manipulating media content
- middle of 20th century: ‘press barons’ open about their protagonist role
- Always been a lot more conservative-supporting newspapers than critiques
(reflects them serving the interests of their wealthy owners)
- Later 20th century/today: more interventionist (eg: Rupert Murdoch)
How is Rupert Murdoch an example?
His control of the news corp since 1970s = an owner controlling media content
- all of his newspapers have a strong right wing pov (reflects his values)
- all his news owners supported the Iraq War in 2003, a war he personally supported
- Unlikely that all the editors oif all