Cultural pessimists and the media Flashcards
What are cultural pessimists?
Individuals who point out the key negatives in the media that are often ignored by other perspectives
- such as fake news, increasing commercialization and the rise of echo chambers
What is the con to more information?
Some of it is Churnalism
- Some of the info online may be ‘fake news’
- deliberately misleading to serve political or corporate ends
What should the internet be?
A free space which allies for the free development of individual expression
Is the media being dominated?
Yes, controlled by a handful of big tech companies such as Amazon, Google etc
- these companies have invested hugely in new media in the last decade thus control access to social media sites, search engines and the web servers that store our info
What are echo chambers?
Social networks being increasingly isolated from each other
- it’s the isolation and polarization
- become surrounded by people similar to yourself
> leads to seeing challenges to your own views
What are examples of media conglomerates control?
People who are de-platformed without earning or reason on YT or Tiktok
- typically those who hold radical views suggesting these companies determine who can express what on social media
- marginalized groups might be able to blog and have a say but they can only be found if these companies allow you to
How has consumption and commercialization increased?
- Became a sphere of consumption where most of what we see is aimed at selling us something
- hard to read some news sites such as The Independent because of the sheer amount of space devoted to advertising
How do companies play a role in increased consumption and commercialisation?
Companies such as Amazon use the data they collect to find out our preferences and sell it to advertising companies
- target at users more effectively thus manipulating them to buy products they wouldn’t normally buy
- estimate that 1/3rd of all amazon purchase are a result of ‘recommendations’ for example
Are there any censorship in search engines?
Yes, most radical views are censored
- individuals may be free to express any opinions in line, some of the most radical have been de platformed
- Politics much less visible than entertainment on the internet
- suggesting critical political thought is ‘drowned out’ more than ever
How do political parties control the public?
- Mainstream political parties now run sophisticated advertising campaigns using big data to manipulate the public into voting for them
> eg: Trump’s campaign - Larger political parties and corps have more money to spend on advertising to keep their biased info at the top of internet search engines (eg: google)
What’s a thing to note about power within the media?
Surveillance: ex CIA analyst claimed in 2015 that British security services had the tech to access the info stored on peoples smartphones