Marxism Flashcards
Ideological Functions
. Laws occassionally passed to appear for benefit of WC
^ gives capitalism a ‘caring face’
(Selective Enforcement)
. Courts ignore crimes done by the powerful
Crime is a rational response as capitalism is criminogenic - very nature causes crime
(State and law making)
Capitalists reluctant to pass laws that could threaten profitability
Taylor et al
(Critical Criminology)
Book = new criminology
. state makes/enforces laws to own interest, should have classless society - reduce crime all together
Taylor et al
(Anti - determinism)
Sees Marxism as deterministic
. Instead takes voluntaristic view - see crime as meaningful action and conscious choice by actor
Critical criminology (neo - marxist approach) is too general to explain crime and too idealistic to tackle it
. Left realists = romanticise WC crime
(Differential Association)
Crime is behaviour learnt - employees socialised into criminality
Skyes and Matza
Individuals deviate more easily if they can produce justifications
(Strain Theory)
If company cannot achieve goals of maximising profit legally - may employ illegal ones
(De - labelling)
Businesses and professionals often have power to avoid labelling - hire top lawyers
Capitalism successfully created ‘mystification’
^ control of state - avoid making/enforcing laws conflicting with own interests
Unrealistic to assume all businesses would offend if not for risk of punishment
Reiman and Leighton
More likely an offence is to be committed by MC, the less likely it is to be treated as an offence
Corporate crime has enormous cost, covers wide range of costs and ommissions