Martinis and Sours Flashcards
Study up on the techniques that will allow you to prepare the most common martinis and sours.
Describe the basic technique associated with the martini.
- All drinks are served in a chilled martini glass
- Pour ingredients into a master glass with ice
- Shake for 8-10 seconds
- Pour the ice and water out of the cocktail glass
- Strain the drink into chilled martini glass
- Garnish
This drink contains no ice!
The drier the martini, the ____ vermouth.
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
The “In and Out”
For a super dry martini:
- Pour the vermouth into the master glass
- Swirl it around
- Pour out
- Proceed to make martini
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Classic Martini
- 2 oz gin
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with odd number of olives or a lemon twist
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Dry Martini
- 2 oz gin
- 3/4 tsp dry vermouth
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Extra Dry Martini
- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Sweet Martini
- 2 oz gin
- 1 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into a chilled martini glass
- Garnish cherry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Vodka Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with off number of olives or a lemon twist
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Perfect Martini
- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into a chilled martini glass
- Garnish cherry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
Dirty Martini
- 2 oz gin (or vodka)
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- 2 tsp olive brine
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with an olive
Describe the technique for creating the following martini:
- 2 oz gin
- 1 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with a pearl onion
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Apple Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1/2 oz apple schnapps
- Splash Cointreau and lime
- Garnish cherry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Bellini Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps and peach nectar
- Garnish lemon peel
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Chocolate Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz dark creme de cacao
- Garnish with a mint sprig
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Emerald Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz Midori
- Garnish with lemon twist
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Pear Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz pear brandy
- Dash of pear juice
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Peppermint Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz creme de menthe
- Garnish with mint sprig
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Raspberry Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz Chambord
- Garnish with raspberry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini variation:
Sapphire Martini
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz blue curacao
- Garnish with lemon twist
Describe the technique for creating martini-like cocktails.
- Add ingredients
- Shake or stir in master glass with ice
- Strain into chilled cocktail/martini glass
- No ice
- Garnish
Describe the technique for creating the following martini-like cocktail:
- 2 oz whiskey (straight or blended)
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Dash Angostura bitters
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with a cherry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini-like cocktail:
Perfect Manhattan
equal amounts of dry and sweet vermouth
- 2 oz whiskey (straight or blended)
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake Angostura bitters
- Stir
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with cherry
Describe the technique for creating the following martini-like cocktail:
Rob Roy
- 2 oz scotch
- 1 tsp sweet vermouth
- Few drops of Angostura bitters
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with cherry
What is the recipe for a Sour Mix?
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 1/2 cup lime juice
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Whiskey Sour
- 2 oz bourbon
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Ward Eight
- 2 oz bourbon
- dash grenadine
Describe the technique for the following sour:
New York Sour
- 2 oz whiskey
- 1 oz sour mix
- Fill chilled dry red wine
- 1/2 slice lemon
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Scotch Sour
- 2 oz scotch
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Brandy Sour
- 2 oz brandy
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Vodka Sour
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Tequila Sour
- 2 oz tequila
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Rum Sour
- 2 oz light rum
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Describe the technique for the following sour:
Amaretto Sour
- 2 oz amaretto
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Name the martini or martini variation:
For a super dry martini:
- Pour the vermouth into the master glass
- Swirl it around
- Pour out
- Proceed to make martini
The “In and Out”
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with odd number of olives or a lemon twist
Classic Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 3/4 tsp dry vermouth
Dry Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
Extra Dry Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 1 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into a chilled martini glass
- Garnish cherry
Sweet Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with off number of olives or a lemon twist
Vodka Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into a chilled martini glass
- Garnish cherry
Perfect Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin (or vodka)
- 1 tsp dry vermouth
- 2 tsp olive brine
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with an olive
Dirty Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz gin
- 1 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with a pearl onion
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1/2 oz apple schnapps
- Splash Cointreau and lime
- Garnish cherry
Apple Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps and peach nectar
- Garnish lemon peel
Bellini Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz dark creme de cacao
- Garnish with a mint sprig
Chocolate Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz Midori
- Garnish with lemon twist
Emerald Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz pear brandy
- Dash of pear juice
Pear Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz creme de menthe
- Garnish with mint sprig
Peppermint Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz Chambord
- Garnish with raspberry
Raspberry Martini
Name the martini or martini variation:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 1/2 oz blue curacao
- Garnish with lemon twist
Sapphire Martini
Name the martini-like cocktail:
- 2 oz whiskey (straight or blended)
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Dash Angostura bitters
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with a cherry
Name the martini-like cocktail:
- 2 oz whiskey (straight or blended)
- 1/2 tsp dry vermouth
- 1/2 tsp sweet vermouth
- Shake Angostura bitters
- Stir
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with cherry
Perfect Manhattan
equal amounts of dry and sweet vermouth
Name the martini-like cocktail:
- 2 oz scotch
- 1 tsp sweet vermouth
- Few drops of Angostura bitters
- Shake
- Strain into chilled martini glass
- Garnish with cherry
Rob Roy
Name the sour:
- 2 oz bourbon
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Whiskey Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz bourbon
- dash grenadine
Ward Eight
Name the sour:
- 2 oz whiskey
- 1 oz sour mix
- Fill chilled dry red wine
- 1/2 slice lemon
New York Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz scotch
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Scotch Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz brandy
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Brandy Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz vodka
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with cherry and orange
Vodka Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz tequila
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Tequila Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz light rum
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Rum Sour
Name the sour:
- 2 oz amaretto
- 1 oz sour mix
- Shake
- Strain into highball glass
- Garnish with lime
Amaretto Sour