- set of basic assumptions that described the life process in human beings that characterized the life process
- a patient can’t be separated from his or her environment when addressing health and treatment
- contains two dimensions: the science of nursing, and the art of nursing
Unitary Human Beings Theory
___ are dynamic energy fields that
are integral with environmental fields
human beings
- fundamental units of living and nonliving
- provides a way to view people and the environment as irreducible wholes
- continuously vary in intensity, density, and extent
energy field
irreducible, indivisible, pandimensional
energy field; specific to the whole and cannot be identified by its parts
unitary human being (person)
- the human field and the environmental field
are constantly exchanging their energy - no boundaries or barriers that inhibit energy flow between fields
openness / open systems
- distinguishing characteristic of an energy field perceived as a single waves
- an abstraction and gives identity to the field
- changes continually and may manifest disease,
illness, or well-being
- non linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes
- parameters to describe events are arbitrary, and the present is relative; there is no temporal ordering of lives
- essentially a spaceless and timeless reality
defined as the unique behavior of whole systems, unpredicted by any behaviors of their component functions taken separately
- ordered arrangement of
rhythm - both human field and environmental field undergoes continuous dynamic metamorphosis in the human environmental process
- intensity of change from lower to higher frequency
- reflects the unity or wholeness of humans and
their environment - the mutual, continuous relationship of the human energy field and the environmental
field - the fields are one and integrated but unique
to each other
- unpredictable, but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy fields as evidenced by non repeating rhythmicities
- postulates an ordering of the humans evolutionary emergence
- spiral development in continuous, non-repeating, and innovate patterning
change in human behavior will be determined by the simultaneous interaction of the actual state of the human and environmental field’s actual state at any given point in space-time
- both a science and an art
- direct and overriding responsibility to the society
- exists to serve people, and the safe practice of this depends on the nature and amount of scientific knowledge the nurse brings to his or her practice
- an irreducible, indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field
- encompasses everything outside the individual’s energy field
- dynamic and ever-changing, where the individual interacts and adapts to it
- an expression of the life process
- characteristics and behavior coming from the mutual, simultaneous interaction of the human and environmental fields and health and illness are part of the same continuum