marshall plan Flashcards
when was the marshal plan proposed
june 5th 1947
when was the marshal plan passed
april 3rd 1948
what was the marshal plan named after
sos george marshal
how many eu nations joined
how much money was put into the marshal plan
$13 billion
why did the ussr refuse the marshall plan
due to conditions attached
how did the marshall plan promote unity
was a joint plan for economic recovery with aid from the us
what were some of the conditions attached to the marshall plan
revealing economic records
buying us goods
free market
what were the reasons for need of aid in europe
the failure of eu economey will lead to the faliure of the us economey
what was kennans policy planning staff
should focus on the restoration of europe not the distruction of communism
how was the aid linked to containment
created an opposing westen stable bloc
why was the us scared of communism spreading in europe
ppl scared and looking for a way out may turn
how did the ussr view the marshal plan
ecnomic imperialism
undermining their sphere of influence/security
what was the ussr’s responce to the marshal plan
sept 1947 cominform
force contries under their influence to deny aid
what was the marshal plans influence in the cold war
exelled division of europe
made cooperation harder
what are some contested reasons for marshal aid
to help recover eu
to create a market for us goods
to avoid global recession
spread capitlism
stop communism
what 3 things were set up as a ussr responce to the marshal plan
zhdonov doctrine 1946
cominform 1947
comecon 1949-91
what was the zhdonov doctrine
a soviet cultral policyby central commitee secretary zhdonov
what was the cominform
used to strengthen links between eastern bloc which allowed soviets to controll in terms of forien and ecnomic policy
what was the comecon
trade agreements encoroging specialisation to the ussr’s satisfaction
where was the marshal plan preposed
during a speach at harvard
what were some of the nations that joined the marshal plan
west germany