conflicts over germany/berlin Flashcards
in what ways was germany important
berlin was the capital of a contry at the heart of 2 world wars
heavey industry
east meets west
focus of many world events
a point of western vunrablity
what were the key things in the uk zone
-large population to feed
-controll of the rhur so had to protect it
-fears of a resurgent ussr germany
-controlled wealthey hanberg
what were the key points in the french zone
-up to 1947 wanted complete dismembermant of germ
-concerned of the security of a new germany
what were the key points in the usa zone
-wanted to develop its zone for ecnomic security and indpendace
-wanted to protect against communism
-OMGUS committed to make joint occupation work
-said no to many soviet demands eg shairing the rhur
what were the key points in the ussr zone
-wanted a joint communist germany
-contained berlin
-introduced policys like land reform
when did the british and us zones origianly merge
august 1946
north rhine west phalia
when was bizonia
jan 1947
what did the marshall plan indicate an understanding of
the us knew a strong economey was fundimental to european ecnomic recovery
what was the possible issue of giving germany lots of aid
they become dependant on the US
how was germany becomeing increasingly dependant
1947- responcible fore coal preoductions
when was the london confrence
what was agreed at the london confence
constituate assembly and a constitution for the 3 west german zones was agreed
what 3 issues were there conflict with over gemany between the east and west
merging of zones
new curency and constitutions
what were the main diffrences between east and west for reaporations
the east wanted to ‘loot’ their zone for their own good
the west wanted to use their reaporations to rebuild their zone
what did genral clay say about reaporations and how did the ussr view it
may 1946- no more reaporations untill a plan was made for germ ecnomic recovery
ussr- us turning germ capitalist
what did the bizonia show
that the 4 power controll of germany failed and the marshal plan helped to fule the divide
when was the moscow confrence
march+ april 1947
what happened and the moscow confrence
ussr demanded a new centrall administration should be created but it failed
when was the london confrence -BIZONIA
nov+Dec 1947
what happned at the londodn confrence-BIZONIA
failed ussr accused the west unjustifiabley deninig reaporations
the west feared a soviet germany
when was the other londidn confrenc-NEW CC
feb-june 1948
who was at the second londodn confrence
brittan, france, usa, benlux states
what was agreed at the londodn confrence
a new curency no move twards ecnomic stablity
june 7th a new constituency