Marriage/sex Flashcards
To be sexually attracted to members of opposite sex
To be sexually attracted to members of the same sex
What are the 7 conditions for a valid catholic marriage
Must be consummated
Must declare willingness to accept marriage
The five vows must be said infront of the priest
Must be free to marry
Must not be closely related
Must be married in free will
Must give honest concent
What is cohabitation
Living with a partner long term without marriage
What is annulment
Statement by the church that there aas no valid marriage therefore able to divorce
What is divorce
A legal ending of a marriage
What is Remmariage
When someone marries again after previous marriage
What is artificial contraception
Unnatural methods used to prevent pregnancy from taking place
What is family planning
The practice of controlling how many children couples have and when they have them
What is the catholic view on the use of the contraception
You arent allowed to have sex without the intent to repoduce however if its physically not possible for a woman to repoduce it is okay
Name 5 uses of artificial contraception
Contraceptive pill
Morning after pill
What is adultery
Sex between a married person and a person who isnt their partner
What is procreation
Sex to repoduce
To fulfil or complete a marriage by having sex
What is compassion
When you are commited to a relationship
What is consent
Giving permission for something to happen
What is discrimination
Prejudice action towards someone because of their ethnicity, sex ect
What is equality
Treating all people with the same worth
What is gender discrimination
Being specifically against one gender
What is marriage
2 people legally allowed to be united until end of life
What is marital
Relationships between a couple
What is sanctity
Being sacred to a marriage
What is unitive
The joining of people together
What are vows
Promises to a wedding