5. Creation Flashcards
Give 3 ideas about adam in michelangelos painting
Adam is not yet fully alive needs god touch to bring him to life-shows everyone is created by god
Adam has similar image to god-shows how god created humanity similar to his image Genesis1:27
Adam is shown as the perfect man- reflects god made everything ‘very good’ Genesis 1:31
Give 3 ideas about god in michelangelos painting
God looks much older-shows god is ancient and eternal while humanity is not
God carried by angels- shows god is transcendent (beyond life on earth)
God reaching for adam- shows god always wants close relationship with humanity
Give two ideas about meieres mosaic
Line extended from god’s hand to edge of circle (universe) - god created everything in universe and everything is connected with him
Gods hand is large conpared to cloud- shows gods greatness and power
Give one quote that shows how god is omnipotent
“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good” Genesis 1:31
Give a quote that shows how god is transcendent
“Then god sais ‘let their be light’ and there was light” Genesis 1:3
Explain how christians believe humans share the spirit of good
Genesis 2:8 explains how god created human in his image. He did this by breathing into his nostrils which is translated from hebrew as ‘spirit’ which shows how student share the spirit of god.
Explain on ereason why christians believe humans have free will
The story of how god made the garden of eden for adam and eve. God tells adam he may eat any apple from any tree execept the apples off the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Although God commands adam to do so, he doesnt force him not to. He gave adam free will to obey gods command.
What is stewardship
Power and authority to rule over all other creatures and take care of the world
Give a quote that supports idea of stewardship
Genesis 1:28: god tells andam and eve to ‘subdue’ the earth and have ‘dominian’ over every other living thing
Give a quote that suggests the idea of dignity of humans
Genesis 1 states that god made humans in ‘his image’.
What are fundamentalists
People who interpret the bible literally
What are fundamentalists
People who interpret the bible literally
What is natural law
Idea that humans are born with an understanding fo what is right and wrong
What are 3 local things catholics can do to show care for the environment
Encourage churches to reduce their carbin footprint
Educate others about the importance of caring fir the environment
Take part in the local environmental projects
What are 3 national things catholics can do to hhow care for environemnt
Put pressure on politicians to support laws that support the environment
Support and buy products from environmentally friendly buisnesses
Put pressureon big companies to ensure they follow environmentally friendly projects
What does CAFOD do
Aims to help people in poverty to make the world a more balanced ans sustainable place
Two ways CAFOD encourages sustainability
CAFOD gives awards to comunites that are taking concrete steps to live in a simpler, more sustainable way of living.
They support and set up projects that use renewable energy
Give two catholic ideas about natural law
God is the creator of all things and therefore everything has a design and purpose.
We were all made in gods image so we all have knowledge of good and bad