P- some argue that parental choice from marketisation reinforces inequality
E- based on the idea that students can only achieve what their parents’ social class allows them to
R- Whitty (1988) says middle class parents have an advantage due to succeeding in education - Ball (1993) says there is an alliance between schools and middle class parents because schools want high achieving pupils
C- Hancock (2014) education exports one worth £18 billion to UK economy each year - marketisation of education has benefitted the economy
P- new labour gov 1997-2010 aimed to improve education standards through marketisation
E- Labour policies included classes of 30, establishing literacy and numeracy hours in primary school, making more uni places available
R- Chubb and Moe (1990) stated marketisation was effective - provides benefits for taxpayers and educational standards
C- Ben (2012) New labour policies increased inequalities in the UK. introduction of £1000 tuition fees and later raised to £3000
P- League tables increase inequality
E- 1988 ERA included league tables, designed to compare schools within an area
R- Youdell et al argues league tables cause schools to adopt educational triage, those who will achieve, those who need help achieving and hopeless cases, argues this increases inequalities
C- the opposing mindset: league tables actually make schools focus on everyone equally to increase grades across the boards
P- Marketisation allowed parents more choice
E- 1988 education act introduced OFSTED and league tables, meaning parents could evaluate schools, benefitting the middle class
R- David (1993) says marketisation has created a parentocracy, where a child’s education us more dependant on wealth and wishes of parents
C- Ball (1993) critiques ERA - stated that an ethnocentric school curriculum - benefiting white middle class, excluding ethnic minorities