Marketing topic 1 - Fundamentals of marketing Flashcards
Stages of a business
- Production
- Product
- Sales
- Marketing
Production theory
The idea that consumers will favour products that are affordable therefore focus on improving the efficiency of production and distribution.
Product theory
The idea that consumers will favour products that offer the highest quality, best performance and most innovative features. Therefore, the company should focus on making continuous product improvements.
Sales theory
The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the company’s products unless the company undertakes a large-scale sales and promotion effort. Focus with customers on sales transactions vs long-term profitable relationships. Sell what you make vs making what the market wants
Marketing theory
Philosophy in which the achievements of marketing goals depends on knowing the needs and desires of the target market and delivering the desired satisfiers in a better way than competitors. Customer focus and value are the routes that lead to sales. The key is to find the right products for the customers and not the other way round
Stages of sales approach
- factory
- existing products
- Sales and promotion
- profits through sales volume
Stages of marketing approach
- Market
- Customer needs
- Integrated marketing
- Profits through customer satisfaction
Marketing definition - Kotler 1960
Marketing is the set of human activities focused on facilitating and carrying out exchanges
Marketing definition - Kotler 1988
The social and administrative process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and values with others
Marketing definition A.M.A 1985
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of individuals and organisations
Marketing today what have been the most important changes
- Environment
- New technological advances
- New channels of information
- New ways of communication
- New ways of working with each other - Socioeconomic and demographic changes
- Increase in labour force in tertiary countries
- rising world population
- change in population pyramid - Sustainability and social responsibility
- Sustainable development goals
- ESG - Company
- Increase in competition
- Increase in the number of business groups
- globalisation
- increase in services accompanying products
- need for information in the face of change
Today’s customer characteristics - Market
- Buys more impulsively
- More demanding
- Capable and prepared for a more active and participative relationship with the company
- Values advertising and marketing as it adds more credibility
Relational Marketing - Berry 1983 - Market
Attract, maintain and intensify relationships
Relational marketing - Gronroos 1989 - Market
Establish, develop and market long-term relationships with clientele so that the objectives of the parties are available. This is done through the exchange and maintenance of promises
Social marketing definition - Kotler 2004 - Market
The marketing strategy must deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves the well being of both consumers and society
Market orientation Definition - Market
Satisfy the customer by creating value. It organically translates this philosophy into the form of an organisational culture
Stages to create value for customers - Market
- Understanding the market and customer needs and desires
- Design a customer focused marketing strategy
- Build an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value
- Build profitable relationships and delight customers
- Capture customer value to generate profit and customer equity value
How to build customer loyalty
- Capture
- Retain
- Grow
Moving from the short-term to the long-term customer relationships in marketing
- Profitability is in the relationship not the transaction
- Switches to capture, retain and grow
- Customer confidence is sought
- Treat the customer by name
- Continuous dialogue
Keys to today’s marketing
- Customer focus
- Digitalisation
- Data analysis (ability to act and collect customer and market data is essential as it allows for a more personalised experience)
- Quality content
- Multichannel (online, social media etc)
- Social responsibility and sustainability
- Automation and AI (these technologies make it possible to personalise the customer experience on a large scale and optimise different aspects of marketing)
- Personalised experience
- Adaptability
- Stories and emotions
- Ethics and transparency
Actual definition of marketing - A.M.A 2017
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communication, delivering and exchanging offers that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large