Marketing research proposal Flashcards
What is good marketing centered around?
the customer
What are the 4 P’s of marketing
price, promotion, product and place
What is the purpose of marketing research?
Help managers by:
1. specify what information is needed
2. collect and analyse the information
3. interpret it with respect to the objectives of the study
Make better decisions by:
1. providing a competitive edge in competitive markets
2. enhance profitability
3.translate data into useful information
4. provide insights on consumers (existing and potential)
What are the 6 aspects of marketing that marketing research can assist?
- product (concept testing, monitor brand equity, assess test markets, select package)
- pricing (price elasticity, market demande, sales forecast)
- distribution (web site testing, channel performance, coverage)
- promotion (media and ad copy effectiveness, sales force compensation, territories)
- buyer behavior (segmentation, awareness, satisfaction, preferences, purchase behavior)
- general corporate research (market trends, diversification, opportunities, perceptions about competitor)
Give a few examples of questions that can be addresses by marketing research
what kind of packaging should we use?
are the customers satisfied with our product?
what price should we charge?
what kind of people would buy our product?
What are the two complementary approaches to marketing research?
- projects executes to address specific problems (ad hoc)
->snapshot in time - Ongoing Marketing Intelligence Systems (MIS)
->aka Decision Support System (DSS)
->continuous monitoring of consumer and market behavior
->core of customer relationships management (CRM) efforts
What are the steps of the marketing research process?
- formulate the problem
- determine the research design
- design data collection
- design the sample and collect data
- analyze and interpret the data
- prepare the research report
Do the steps of the marketing research process need to be in order?
Yes. They are all interrelated. You must complete one step before going to the next one. A modification of one step affects all the other steps
What are the sources of marketing research problem/opportunities
- unanticipated
- planned
- serendipity
How do you go from a marketing problem to a research problem?
-> marketing problem (what i need to do)
-> the options to answer the problem (discussion with client)
-> the information to solve the problem
-> the information that is a priority
-> the information already available (secondary data collection)
-> information that should be collected during research (primary data)
-> research problem (what I need to know)
Turn these marketing problems into research problems:
- increase store traffic
- Develop a package for a new product
- Increase sales by opening new stores
- develop equitable sales territories
- expand into other countries
- introduce new product
- measure current image of the store
- evaluate alternative package designs
- evaluate prospective locations
- assess current and proposed territories
- assess market potential
- design a. test market for assessment
Formulate this marketing problem into 3 objectives
-> St-Hubert wants to enter the vegetarian market
- measure the interest of St-Hubert among vegetarians
- identify the needs, expectations and perceptions of vegetarian options for the menu
- test the product that resonate with the target market to define a preliminary offer
Relate theses marketing problems to their sources and formulate the research problem:
-> Rise in Bitcoin, introduction of Bitcoin investment accounts
-> Development by the R&D department of a new augmentation reality ride
-> increase in the number of immigrants unaware/un-interested in Hockey
Are Canadians interested in opening a Bitcoin investment account?
Are consumers interested in the new augmented reality ride?
How can we increase immigrants’ awareness of hockey?
What are the 3 types of research design?
- exploratory
- descriptive
- causal
What are the 4 types of methodology?
- qualitative
- survey / quantitative
- observation
- experiment
Associate the questions to their stage of the research process:
- Who will handle the editing of the data?
- What is the target population?
- What will the format of the written report be?
- Can existing data be used?
- How will the data be coded?
- Should rating scales be used in the questionnaires?
- How much is already known?
- What information is needed to make the decision?
- Are there any legal restrictions on the collection methods?
- How large should the sample be?
- Are managerial recommendations called for?
- What is the purpose of the study?
- Analyze and interpret the data
- design sample and collect data
- prepare the research report
- determine data collection method and forms
- analyze and interpret the data
- determine data collection method and forms
- determine research design
- formulate the problem
- determine data collection method and forms
- design sample and collect data
- prepare research report
- formulate the problem