marketing lecture 9 (promotion 1) Flashcards
the communication by marketers that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers of a product to influence their opinion or elicit a response
promotional strategy
marketers –> promotional mix (advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing) –> competitive advantage –> customers
integrated marketing communications (IMC)
the concept of desigining marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities to provides a consistent message across all audiences
steps in developing effective communication
channel of communication (message, noice) –> decode (field of experience) –> receiver –> response –> feedback –> source –> encode (field of experience) –> channel of communication
promotional elements that has to be balanced
- target audience characteristics
- product characteristics
- stages of buying decision
- channel strategies
target audience characteristics
- promotional strategies can be directed to ultimate consumers, an intermediary, or both
- promotional strategies to reach ultimate consumers :
1. mass media to reach large numbers of potential buyers
2. personal selling at place of purchase (retail stores)
3. direct marketing to encourage first-time or repeat purchases
4. combination to reach some target market (omnichannel marketing)
product life stage : promotional objectives : promotional activities
1. introduction : to inform : publicity on magazine, advertising, salesforce calling on intermediaries, sales promotion using free samples
2. growth : to persuade : personal selling on intermediaries, advertising to differentiate products from competing brands
3. maturity : to remind : reminder advertising, limited personal selling, sales promotion using coupons, discounts, and events, direct mail reminder
4. decline : to phase out : little money on promotion
product characteristics (promotional element)
- complexity : refers to the technical sophistication of a product and hence the level of understanding needed to use it –> more complicated requires more personal seling and less advertising
- purchase risk to buyers : refers to financial, social, and pyshical risk –> advertising can help, but the bigger the risk, more personal selling is needed
- ancillary services : the services provided after the purchase –> advertising is to establish the seller’s reputation, direct marketing shows that products can be customized towards needs, personal selling build buyer’s confidence and shows evidence of customer service
stages of the buying decision
prepurchase : purchase : postpurchase
1. personal selling –> high, higher, high
2. sales promotion/direct marketing –> medium, higher, medium
3. advertising –> very high, very low, very high
4. public relations –> high, lower, lowerr
channel strategies
- push strategy –> manufacturer (flow of demand stimulation & flow of promotion, personal selling directed to intermediaries) –> wholesaler –> retailer –> customers
- pull strategy –> manufacturer (flow of promotion, advertising directly to customers) –> customers –> retailers –> wholesaler –> manufacturer
steps in developing an IMC program
- identify the target audiences
- specifying the promotion objectives
- set a promotion budget
- selecting the right promotional tools
- designing the promotion
- scheduling the promotion
identifying the target audience (IMC)
- the senders need to understand the target audience to be able to formulate the message
- the receivers will have to transform the message back into thought
- the sender have to understand how the receivers transform the meaning and even uses receiver’s language to present the message
- determines :
1) what will be said
2) how it will be said
3) when it will be said
4) where it will be said
5) who will say it
specifying promotion objectives (IMC)
- marketers seek purchase response that is a result of the customer decision making process
–> awareness –> interest –> evaluation –> trial –> adoption
setting the promotion budget (IMC)
based on :
- percentage of sales : allocate promotion budget based on percentage of past sales or anticipated sales, either on dollar or unit sold
- competitive party : allocate promotion budget by matching with competitor’s promotion budget and proportion on point of market share
- all you can afford : allocate promotion bduget after all other budget item are covered
- objectives and tasks : allocate promotion budget by determining promotion objectives. create a task outline to accomplish these objectives. then determine the budget to accomplish these tasks
selecting the right promotional tools
- direct marketing : payment for the medium of conversation
- advertising : for time and space
- personal selling : payment to the sales people
- public relations : no direct payment to media
- sales promotion : based on how big the promotion is