Marketing Ch.18 Flashcards
used in introductory stage. Tells what it is, what it can do, where it can be found.
- advertising that promotes a specific brands features and benefits. Persuade target market to buy this brand rather than other.
Comparative advertising
shows one brands strengths relative to those of competitors
used to reinforce previous knowledge of a product.
assure current users they are doing the right thing
Institutional Advertisements
to build goodwill or an image for an org. rather than promote a specific good/service
- state the position of the company on an issue
Pioneering Institutional Advertisements
used for announcements about what a company is what. What it can do and where it is located
Competitive Institutional Advertisements
promote the advantages of one product class over another and are used in markets where different product classes compete for the same buyers.
Reminder Institutional Advertisements
bring the company’s name to attention of the target market again. Ex. Us army uses to remind potential recruits of the opportunities in the army
Fear Appeals
suggest to the consumer that he or she can avoid some negative experience through the purchase and use of a product or service
Sex Appeals
suggest to the audience that the product will increase the attractiveness of the user.
Humorous Appeals
imply either directly or subtly that the product is more fun or exciting than competitors offerings.
Advertising media
the means by which the message is contributed
number of different people or household exposed to an advertisment
the % of households in a market that are tuned to a particular TV show or radio station.
when they want to reach a household more than once, Average number of times a person is exposed to message.
Gross Rating Points
Cost per thousand (CPM)
cost of reaching 1,000 individuals or households with the advertising message in a given medium
television as medium
expensive, wasted civerage
magazines as medium
easy to get to specific interest groups. expensive
radio as medium
limited use for products that must be seen
newspapers as medium
great local reach potential
outdoor ads
low cost, good when proj is well known. effective for reminding
buyer turnover
how often buyers enter market. Higher turnover, greater amount of advertising required
Purchase Frequency-
the more frequently the product is purchased the less repetition is required
Forgetting rate
- the speed with which buyers forget the brand if advertising is not seen
Continuous(stead) schedule
- when seasonal factors are unimportant, advertising is run at a continuous or stead schedule thought the year
Flighting(intermittent) schedule
periods of advertising are scheduled between periods of no advertising to reflect seasonal demand
Pules (burst) schedule-
a flighting schedule is combined with continuous because of increases in demand. Heavy period of promotion, or introduction of a new product.
Portfolio Tests
to test copy alternatives. The test ad is placed in a portfolio with several other ads and stories and consumers are asked to read through. After the subjects asked for impressions of the ads.
Jury Tests
show the ad copy to a panel of consumers and having them rate how they liked it how much it drew their attention and how attractive they though it was.
Theater tests
most sophisticated. Consumers are invited to view new TV shows or movies in which test commercials are also shown viewers register their feelings about the ads either on handheld electronic recording devices used during the viewing or on questionnaires after.
Full service agency
provides the most complete range of services including market research, media selection, copy development, artwork and production.
Limited service agency
specialize in one aspect of process
In house agencies
made up of company’s own staff
Aided recall-
after being shown an ad, respondents area sked whether their exposure to it was through reading, viewing or listening.
Unaided recall
ask questions without an prompting to determine whther they saw or heard the ad program
Attitude Test
respondents are asked questions to measure changes in their attitudes after an advertising campaign such as whether they have a more favorable attitude
Inquiry Test
Additional product information, product samples, or premiums are offered to an ad’s readers or viewers. Ads generating the most inquiries are presumed to be the most effective.
Sales tests
Sales tests involve studies such as controlled experiments (e.g., using radio ads in one market and newspaper ads in another and comparing the results) and consumer purchase tests (measuring retail sales that result from a given advertising campaign).
Consumer Oriented Sales Promotion
- aka consumer promotions are sales tools used to support a company’s advertising and personal selling
- sales promotions that usually offer a discounted price to a consumer
s- short term price reductions commonly used to inc trial among potential customers
- used with consumers, consists of merchandise offered free or at significant savings over its retail price.
- consumers apply their skill or analytical or creative thinking to try to win a prize
sales promotion that require participants to submit some kind of entry but pure game of chance
free trials/ reducd price trials
loyalty programs
encourage repeat purchases
point of purcahse displays
- These product displays take the form of advertising signs, which sometimes actually hold or display the product
offers the return of money based on proof of purchase
product placements
- use of brand name products in movies/tvshows
Trade oriented sales promotion
trade promotions , are sales tools used to support a company’s advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers, retailers, or distribution
Merchandise allowance-
Reimbursing a retailer for extra in-store support or special featuring of the brand
Cooperative Advertising
programs by which manufacturer pays a percentage of the retailers local advertising expense