Marketing Flashcards
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Learning as much aspossible about customers and doing everything you can to satisfy orexceed their expectations.
Marketing Mix
The ingredients that go into a marketing program; alsoknown as the four Ps:1. Product.2. Price.3. Place.4. Promotion.
Marketing Research
The analysis of markets to determine opportunities andchallenges, and to find the information needed to makegood decisions.
Focus group
A small group of people who meet under the directionof a discussion leader to communicate opinions.
Consumer market
All the individuals orhouseholds that want goods and services forpersonal consumption or use
Market segmentation
Dividing the total market intogroups whose members have similar characteristics.
Target marketing
Marketing directed toward thosegroups an organization decides it can serve profitably.
Geographic segmentation
Dividing the market bycities, states, or regions.
Demographic segmentation
Dividing the market byage, income, and education level
Psychographic segmentation
Dividing the marketusing the group’s values, attitudes, and interests.
Benefit segmentation
Dividing the market bydetermining which benefits of the product to talk about.
Volume (or usage) segmentation
Dividing the marketusage (volume of use)
Niche marketing
Finding small but profitable marketsegments and designing or finding products for them.
One-to-one marketing
Developing a unique mix ofgoods and services for each individual consumer