Marine Noise Flashcards
What are ADCP?
Acoustic dock current profilers
What is the distance from pile driving that causes TTS in cetaceans?
What has noise in the north sea caused harbour porpoises to do?
Louder voalisations
What do naval sonars cause in whales?
Rapid decompression
What is the distance from pile driving that causes PTS in cetaceans?
What is a decibel?
Logarithmic unit used to express ratio between two values of a physical quantity
What is sea state?
How rough the surface of the sea is
What does the sea bed do to sound?
Absorb, reflect or refract
What is the main sense for marine organisms?
What are sources of human noise?
Boat traffic, sonar, resource extraction, fisheries
What legislation is there against noise?
No specific legislation
What type of frequencies travel further?
What is the distance from pile driving that causes PTS in pinnipeds?
Where abouts in water does sound travel faster?
Near the surface
What can cause cause?
What is the wenz curve?
Determines sea state
What is the problem with the frequencies of seismic surveys?
Energy spills out into high frequencies
What are sources of natural noise?
Earthquakes, ice, turbulence, waves, rain, bubbles, marine line
What can be done whilst we wait for legislation against sound to come in?
Ramp up sound levels, acoustic deterrents
What is sound?
Pressure wave
What do MMOs do?
Stop activity when animals are seen or heard in the zone of influence
What is MSFD?
Marine strategy framework directive
What does ADCPs do?
High frequency sounds to measure ocean currents
What is the distance from pile driving that causes TTS in pinnipeds?
What does sound need to make it noise?
What are naval sonars used for?
Find other people under the water
What does the airgun in a seismic survey do?
Sends high energy sound into seabed to find oil