Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Flashcards
When mounted on a vehicle, what is the national flag called?
national standard or just standard
At what times is the national ensign hoisted and lowered
0800 and sunset
What does the ensign hoisting and lowering detail consist of?
a noncommissioned officer and 2 enlisted members of the guard
How does one half-mast the ensign?
First hoist the ensign to the peak, then lower it to half-mast position
What does a Joint Armed Forces Color Guard consist of?
8 members: 3 Army 2 Marine 1 Navy 1 AF 1 Coast Guard Left to Right as follows: Left Rfleman (Marine) Coast Guard Colors AF Colors Navy Colors Marine Corps Colors Army Colors National Colors (Army) Right Rifleman (Marine)
What does a full honor guard usually consist of?
At least 2 platoons of riflemen, a band and colors
If sufficient personnel are not available to meet the full honor guard requirement, what is the minimum requirement for a full honor guard?
Not less than one platoon of riflemen
For a person who merits the guard of the day, what should the guard consist of?
One platoon of riflemen
Which elements required in honors afloat are omitted in honors ashore?
- manning the rail
- Piping alongside or over the side
- Sideboys
What are the honors for official visits of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Gun Salute: 19 R & F: 4 General OR Admiral's March Full guard 8 sideboys
What are the honors for official visits of the Chief of Staff, US Army?
Gun Salute: 19 R & F: 4 Generals March Full Guard 8 sideboys
What are the honors for official visits of the Chief of Naval Operations?
Gun Salute: 19 R & F: 4 Admirals March Full Guard 8 Sideboys
What music is played at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball to march the escorts into position?
Semper Fi
What music is played at the Marine Corps Birthday ball when the cake is brought out?
Marines Hymn (slow version)
What music is played at the Marine Corps birthday ball when the cake is cut?
Auld Lang Syne