Marine Biology Flashcards
The greatest animal diversity is at which latitude?
Lower (tropical) latitudes
The greatest diversity of algae is at which latitude?
Greater (polar) latitudes
What is the genus of rock louse?
What is the genus of periwinkle snail?
What is the genus of limpet?
Algae in the genus ______ live in colder climates.
Algae in the genus ______ live in warmer climates.
What are byssus (or byssal) threads?
Threads that attach mussels to surfaces
What causes coral bleaching?
Stress like temperature change & pollution
What do carnivorous snails and & seastars feed on?
What is coral bleaching?
A reaction to stress in which coral expells symbiotic zooxanthellae
That does HAB stand for?
Harmful Algal Bloom
What are shark scales called?
Dermal Denticles
What are some uses of bioluminescence?
- Counterluminescece
- Attract prey or mates
- Scare preditors
How do some larger organisms bioluminesce?
- They capture luminescent bacteria in a “light organ” called a photophore
- directly produce light with a mitochondrial cell called a photocyte
What percent of bathypelagic (1,000-3,000 m) fish bioluminesce?
Name all of the fins on a fish
Pectoral, Pelvic, Anal, Caudal, Adipose, Dorsal
Name the structure of the shark that holds a shark’s mate while they do the sexy thing (males only)
Structure in the shark intestine that increases the surface area
Spiral Valve
What is a peduncle?
Where a fish’s fin attaches to its body
What so echinoderms use to move?
Water Vascular system
What do sharks use their oily liver for?
Buoyancy control
What are the main fish tail fin shapes?
Lunate (cruisers), rounded (reef fish), truncate (squared), forked (like a salmon)
What are some fish body shapes?
Fusiform (tuna), globiform (pufferfish), depressiform, (halibut), Compressiform (angel fish), Filiform (eel)
What are the types of fish scales?
Ganoid (primitive)
Placoid (teeth like)
Cycloid (thin, round, common)
Ctenoid (cycloid with combs)
Name of the zones of a coral reef from the shore to the ocean
Reef flat sone (lagoon or back)
Reef crest (algal ridge)
Fore-reef (buttress zone)
Deep fore-reef wall
What is the body covering of an Arthropod?
What are swimmerets?
Small leggies on shrimp and lobster tails for swimming (believe it or not)
What is the madreporite?
Where water is pulled in for echinoderms to fuel the water vascular system?
What are the pedicellaria?
Pinchers on sea star arms to remove algae and keep the gills clean
What kinds of reproduction do shark’s display?
Internal fertilization with:
Viviparity (live birth with placenta)
Oviparity (eggs)
Ovoviviparity (live birth w/o placenta)
What is a whale pump?
When a whale brings nitrogen and other nutrients from depths to the surface
What are Bryozoans?
Groups of individual lophophorates that form sea mats on oceanic surfaces
What are the 3 parts of a cephalopod arm?
Stalk, manus, dactylus
What phylum are barnacles?
What phylum are sea squirts (tunicates) and lancelets?
Chordata (same as humans)
What gives hagfish the nickname slime eel or snot eel?
The ability to make ‘bucketloads’ of mucus in seconds
Chimeras have an extra set of claspers. Where are they?
On their heads
What are the 3 main types of spiny rayed fish?
Mullets, sand smelt, perches
What is the combined pancreas and liver in bony fish called?
What is the most abundant marine reptile?
Sea Snake
How many species of truly marine sea turtles are left?
What is unique about dugong bones?
They are solid and have no marrow
What is one way to determine whale species from the surface?
The shape of their spout
Which whale species migrates the farthest?
Where are most whale feeding grounds?
Polar regions
Where are most whale breeding grounds?
Tropical Regions
What percent of bird species are considered seabirds?
How do albatrosses, shearwaters, and petrels regulate salt?
A gland in their nose expels salt
What pigment is used to absorb oxygen in deep-sea tube worms?