Mare Management Flashcards
Ideal BCS of mares
5 (6+)
If you are trying to increase your mare’s BCS, what should you feed her?
Increase feed intake, increase calories, feed concentrates
Leptospriosis causes _____ every time. Vibriosis causes _____.
Abortion; early abortion
Brucellosis has a _____ abortion
What is regumate?
Synthetic progesterone
When to use regumate? (6)
- To suppress estrus
- To synchronize estrous
- For pregnant mares and older mares
- For embryo transfer
- Post-surgery
- For transportational purposes
To synchronize estrus, use progestins (progesterone, regumate) for _____ days with _____ at the end of treatment.
8-10 days with PGF2alpha
Foals weaned at
Weaning is stressful on foals and may cause _____ if not done properly
Illness, injury, reduced growth
Creep feeding may increase foal’s
gain, specifically 30d feed prior to weaning
Can help maintain skeletal soundness
Which foals should be weaned first?
Oldest foals or ones with the meanest mares
Two types of weaning
Gradual vs. Abrupt
Gradual weaning
Foals can see and hear mamas but they cannot nurse.
Creep feed them
Do this for about a week and then wean completely.
Less stress on the foals
10-14d stress for foals and owners
Foals more prone to illness
LH stimulates