Manual Therapy - E/W/H Flashcards
Part One: Soft Tissue Techniques
General Soft Tissue Techniques:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Examples of ‘Noninvasive ‘ = ?
- Examples of ‘Invasive ‘ = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
General Soft Tissue Techniques:
(a) Indication:
- Patients experiencing myofascial pain, fascial tightness, trigger points, and/or excessive muscle tightness.
(b) Goal:
- Improve myofascial mobility.
- Decrease myofascial pain.
- Prepare the region for additional mobilization.
(c) Noninvasive:
- Bend and Stretch
- Ischemic Compression
- Myofascial Release Holds
- Scar Massage
- Instrument-assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
(d) Invasive:
- Dry Needling (Deep/Superficial)
Part One: Soft Tissue Techniques
Cross-Friction Massage:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing tendinopathy (stenosing or inflammatory or degenerative.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Recollagenation
- Discourage Neural Ingrowth
- Decrease Pain
(c) Technique:
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroulnar Joint
Distraction in Extension = ?
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroulnar Joint
Distraction in Extension
(a) Indication:
- Patients experiencing humeroulnar restriction in extension.
(b) Goal:
- Prepare the Region for Additional Mobilization.
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion
- Achieve Terminal Arm Extension
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in supine with their arm on a bolster.
- Arm is positioned in pronation with their cubital fossa pointing up.
- The elbow is pre-positioned in extension
- Distraction force is applied in a posterior-distal direction at 45°
- Curved-gliding force is applied through the other hand in superior, scooping direction.
- Perform this distraction for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education,
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroulnar Joint
Mobilization in Extension:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroulnar Joint
Mobilization in Extension:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing humeroulnar restriction in extension.
(b) Goal:
- Improve capsular mobility.
- Improve Range of Motion.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in side-lying with the involved side down.
- Arm is positioned in pronation with their cubital fossa pointing up.
- The elbow is pre-positioned in extension.
- Mobilization force is applied in a posterior-medial direction at 60°
- Bolster the arm with a strap or sandbag if the upper arm moves.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroulnar Joint
Distraction in Flexion:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroulnar Joint
Distraction in Flexion:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing humeroulnar restriction in flexion.
(b) Goal:
- Prepare the Region for Additional Mobilization.
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in side-lying with their arm strapped down.
- Arm is positioned in supination with their medial epicondyle pointing up.
- The arm is pre-positioned in flexion.
- Distraction force is applied in a posterior-distal direction at 45°
- Perform this distraction for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroulnar Joint
Mobilization in Flexion:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroulnar Joint
Mobilization in Flexion:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing humeroulnar restriction in flexion.
(b) Goal:
- Improve capsular mobility.
- Improve Range of Motion.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in side-lying with the involved side down.
- Arm is positioned in supination with their medial epicondyle pointing up.
- Arm is pre-positioned in flexion.
- Mobilization force is applied in a posterior-lateral direction at 60°
- Bolster the arm with a strap or sandbag if the upper arm moves.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroradial Joint and PRUJ
Distraction and Mobilization in Extension:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroradial Joint and PRUJ
Distraction and Mobilization in Extension:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing humeroradial restriction in extension and/or radioulnar joint restriction in pronation.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Arm Extension and/or Pronation.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Arm is positioned in supination with their cubital fossa pointing up.
- The elbow is pre-positioned in extension.
- Mobilization force is applied in a posterior-lateral direction at 60°.
- Distraction force is applied along the radius as the arm is brought into pronation.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Two: Elbow Mobilization
Humeroradial Joint and PRUJ
Mobilization in Flexion:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Humeroradial Joint and PRUJ
Mobilization in Flexion:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing
- humeroradial restriction in flexion, and/or
- radioulnar joint restriction in supination.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Arm Flexion and/or Supination.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Arm is positioned in pronation with their cubital fossa pointing up.
- The elbow is pre-positioned in flexion.
- Mobilization force is applied in a anterior-medial direction at 60°.
- Compression force is applied along the radius as the arm is brought into supination.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Distal Radioulnar Joint
Mobilization in Supination or Pronation:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Distal Radioulnar Joint
Mobilization in Supination or Pronation:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing radioulnar joint restriction in supination or pronation.
(b) Goal
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Arm Supination or Pronation.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Arm is positioned in the position of their restriction (Supination or Pronation).
- Supination: Mobilization force is applied to the volar surface of the radius in a posterior direction along the joint line.
- Pronation: Mobilization force is applied to the dorsal surface of the radius in an anterior direction along the joint line (pictured right).
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Radiocarpal Joint
Volar Mobilization in Extension:
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Radiocarpal Joint
Volar Mobilization in Extension
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing radiocarpal restriction in extension.
(b) Goal
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Extension.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Arm is positioned in wrist extension.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal radius and ulna.
- Mobilization force is applied to the dorsal surface of the proximal carpal row in a volar direction.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Radiocarpal Joint
Dorsal Mobilization in Flexion:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Radiocarpal Joint
Dorsal Mobilization in Flexion
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing radiocarpal restriction in flexion.
(b) Goal
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Flexion
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Arm is positioned in wrist flexion
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal radius and ulna.
- Mobilization force is applied to the volar surface of the proximal carpal row in a dorsal direction.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Radiocarpal Joint
Medial Mobilization in Radial Deviation:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Radiocarpal Joint
Medial Mobilization in Radial Deviation:
(a) Indication:
- Patients experiencing radiocarpal restriction in radial deviation.
(b) Goal
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Radial Deviation.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table and their hand and wrist off the table.
- Wrist is positioned in Radial Deviation and Slight Flexion (not pictured).
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal radius and ulna.
- Mobilization force is applied to the lateral surface of the proximal carpal row in a medial direction.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Intercarpal Joint
Volar/Dorsal Mobilization or Manipulation:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Intercarpal Joint
Volar/Dorsal Mobilization or Manipulation:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing carpal restriction in flexion or extension.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Flexion or Extension
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their hand held in yours.
- Wrist is brought from Neutral into Extension or Flexion.
- (Extension) Mobilization/Manipulation force is applied to the dorsal surface of the hypomobile carpal with overlapping thumbs (pictured).
- (Flexion) Mobilization/Manipulation force is applied to the volar surface of the hypomobile carpal with overlapping index fingers (not pictured).
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Perform this manipulation 1-2 times
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
(a) Indication
(b) Goal
(c) Technique
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Radiocarpal Joint
Lateral Mobilization in Ulnar Deviation:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Radiocarpal Joint
Lateral Mobilization in Ulnar Deviation:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing radiocarpal restriction in ulnar deviation.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Ulnar Deviation.
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table and their hand and wrist off the table.
- Wrist is positioned in Ulnar Deviation and Slight Extension.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal radius and ulna.
- Mobilization force is applied to the medial surface of the proximal carpal row in a lateral direction.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Intercarpal Joint
Volar/Dorsal Mobilization or Manipulation:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Intercarpal Joint
Volar/Dorsal Mobilization or Manipulation
(a) Indication
(b) Goal
(c) Technique
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their hand held in yours.
- Wrist is brought from Neutral into Extension or Flexion.
- (Extension) Mobilization/Manipulation force is applied to the dorsal surface of the hypomobile carpal with overlapping thumbs (pictured)
- (Flexion) Mobilization/Manipulation force is applied to the volar surface of the hypomobile carpal with overlapping index fingers (not pictured)
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Perform this manipulation 1-2 times.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
1st Carpometacarpal
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
1st Carpometacarpal
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing carpometacarpal restriction or pain at the 1st finger.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Pain
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion
- Prepare Tissue for Additional Mobilization
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal carpal row.
- Distraction force is applied along the axis of the 1st metacarpal.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change/pain reduction
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
1st Carpometacarpal
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
1st Carpometacarpal
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing carpometacarpal restriction of the 1st.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility
- Achieve Terminal Thumb Range of Motion
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal carpal row.
- Mobilization force is applied to the base of the 1st metacarpal.
- Flexion: Medial force applied to the Lateral surface
- Extension: Lateral force applied to the Medial surface.
- Abduction: Dorsal force applied to the Palmar surface.
- Adduction: Palmar force applied to the Dorsal surface (difficult to access).
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Distraction or Mobilization:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
Distraction or Mobilization:
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing metacarpophalangeal pain or restriction in flexion/extension or abduction/adduction.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Pain
- Improve Capsular Mobility
- Achieve Terminal Finger Range of Motion
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal metacarpal.
- Mobilization force is applied to the base of the 1st phalanx
- Flexion: Volar force applied to the Dorsal surface
- Extension: Dorsal force applied to the Volar surface
- Abduction: Force is applied away from the 3rd finger
- Adduction: Force is applied toward the 3rd finger.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist
Part Three: Wrist and Hand Mobilization
Interphalangeal Joint
Distraction or Mobilization:
- Indication = ?
- Goal = ?
- Technique = ?
Manual Therapy - E,W,H
Interphalangeal Joint
Distraction or Mobilization
(a) Indication:
- This technique is used for patients experiencing radiocarpal restriction in ulnar deviation.
(b) Goal:
- Improve Capsular Mobility and Range of Motion.
- Achieve Terminal Wrist Ulnar Deviation
(c) Technique:
- The patient is positioned in sitting with their arm on the table.
- Stabilizing force is applied to the distal portion of the proximal phalanx.
- Mobilization force is applied to the proximal portion of the distal phalanx.
- Flexion: Volar force applied to the Dorsal surface.
- Extension: Dorsal force applied to the Volar surface.
- Perform this mobilization for 4x 30-45 sec., or until capsular change.
- Finish the technique with neuro-muscular re-education.
- Agonist - Antagonist - Agonist