Manual Therapy - Ankle Flashcards
Describe the Talar Posterior Glide Assessment procedure
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Talar Posterior Glide Assessment:
- In a loose packed position with the foot over the edge of the table, apply a posterior pressure on the talus assessing for end feel and pain.
What is the indication for Posterior Talar Glide Mobilization = ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
- What is the indication for Posterior Talar Glide Mobilization?
- To improve Dorsiflexion (DF) of the ankle.
How is Talocrural Joint Mobilization with Movement performed to increase dorsiflexion ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
- How is Talocrural Joint Mobilization with Movement performed to increase dorsiflexion
- Place a mobilization belt around the posterior inferior tibia and fibula.
- Anchor the belt around therapist at hip level. Place the web space of the therapist’s hand on the anterior talus.
- Have the patient move in a specific way (squat or move anteriorly) while applying a posterior glide to the talus.
Talocrural Distraction
- Indications = ?
- Possible conditions = ?
- Impairments = ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Talocrural Distraction - Graded Distraction mobilizations
- Indications:
- Overall decrease in ROM in the Talocrural join
- Possible conditions:
- Ankle Sprain
- Impingement syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Impairments:
- Decreased PF and DF
- Decreased Closed Chain DF Test
High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust Technique (Talocrural Joint)
Indications = ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust Technique (Talocrural Joint)
- Indications = General ankle mobility deficits
What is checked during the forefoot assessment regarding pathological conditions?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Signs of hallux valgus, claw toes, metatarsalgia, and the integrity of the sesamoid bones.
What are the implications of restricted Midfoot mobility ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Restricted mobility in the Midfoot can lead to…
- Altered gait patterns,
- Increased stress on adjacent joints
- Potential for pain or injury in the foot & higher up the kinetic chain
How is subtalar neutrality assessed during a manual therapy session?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
- Subtalar neutrality is assessed by positioning the subtalar joint in a place where it is neither pronated nor supinated.
- This is found by palpating the talar head and maneuvering the foot until the talus lies in a horizontal position relative to the ground.
Explain the anterior drawer tests for the Talocrural joint.
Manual Therapy - Ankle
These tests assess the integrity of the ankle ligaments by
- Manually pulling (anterior drawer = Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)) forward, while stabilizing the lower leg.
- Manually pushing (reverse anterior drawer = Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)) the foot backward while stabilizing the lower leg.
What impairments call for the use of talocrural distraction ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Talocrural Distraction
- Indications: Overall decrease in ROM in the Talocrural joint.
- Impairments:
- Decreased PF and DF
- Decreased Closed Chain DF Test
What conditions call for the use of talocrural distraction ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Talocrural Distraction
- Indications: Overall decrease in ROM in the Talocrural joint
- Possible conditions:
- Ankle Sprain
- Impingement syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
What glides improve ankle eversion ?
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Subtalar Joint Glides - Lateral & Inferior:
- To improve ankle eversion
- Cross the involved leg over the uninvolved leg
- Apply a lateral force through the calcaneus with a distraction force.
- A second technique is to pull the great toe into extension while simultaneously inferiorly gliding/tractioning the calcaneus.
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Talocrural Anterior Glide of Talus
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle
Manual Therapy - Ankle