What is the minimum compressive strength of lean concrete?
A. 2000 psi
B. 2500 psi
C. 1000 psi
D. 1500 psi
Weep holes shall be spaced at not more than ___ center to center in a staggered manner and shall be at least 50mm diameter PVC or other pipe materials
A. 1m
B. 1.5m
C. 2m
D. 2.5m
What is the class of stone for riprap and grouted riprap if the stone weight varies between 30kg to 70kg?
Note: Also familiarize other classes of stones and weights
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D
How many percent of piles are used for testing? Integrity Testing shall be conducted in at least ___ of the total number of piles
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
What is the minimum tensile strength of carbon fiber sheet in N/
A. 3400
B. 3500
C. 3000
D. 3800
What is the minimum dry compressive strength of Stone Mastic Asphalt?
A. 1.4 MPa
B. 1.5 MPa
C. 2.0 MPa
D. 1.0 MPa
It is used to determine the soundness of cement and useful for specific gravity determinations of hydraulic cement, sand, and other fine materials
A. Le Chatelier Flask
B. Vicat Apparatus
C. Ultrasonic Pulse Tester
D. Autoclave Machine
The minimum reflective brightness values of the reflective sheeting as to angle of divergence is 0.5 and the brightness of the reflective sheeting totally wet by rain shall be not less than ___ of the given values on the table
A. 90%
B. 85%
C. 75%
D. 100%
What is the minimum compressive strength of shotcrete?
A. 5.2 MPa
B. 13.8 MPa
C. 4.1 MPa
D. 5.0 MPa
During shotcrete curing, at least how many days it shall be cured uninterrupted?
A. 3 days
B. 5 days
C. 7 days
D. 10 days
This measures tendency of asphalt to form a flammable mixture with air and indicates safe working temperature of asphalts without catching fire
A. Ductility Test
B. Solubility
C. Spot Test
D. Flash Point
The amount of glass beads to be mixed with the paint shall be 500 grams per liter of paint and its index of refraction shall be within the range of ___ when tested by the liquid immersion method at 29 degrees
A. 2.5 - 2.60
B. 3.5 - 4.60
C. 0.5 - 0.6
D. 1.5 - 1.6
Traffic paint shall be applied to the pavement at the rate of 0.33 liter per sq.m and shall dry sufficiently to be free from cracking in from ___ minutes (drying time)
A. 45-60
B. 10-15
C. 15-30
D. 30-45
Which of the following is a test for traffic paints
A. Wheel and Ramp
B. Ring and Ball
C. Tag open Cup
D. Rolling Thin-Film Oven
Core sampling will be done at least 3 representative cores which will be considered adequate if the average strength of the cores is equal to or at least ___ and if no single core is less than ___ of the specified strength
A. 80%; 75%
B. 85%; 75%
C. 85%; 80%
D. 85%; 70%
The strength level of the concrete will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all sets of 3 consecutive strength test results equal or exceed the specified strength, f’c and no individual result is deficient by more than ___ of the specified strength
A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 20%
D. 25%
What is the class of concrete used for rubble concrete and for concrete slope protection?
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class P
Cement bags to be stacked in not more than ___ high or maximum of 4.5m to prevent bursting of the bags in bottom layers
A. 5 layers
B. 7 layers
C. 10 layers
D. 12 layers
Importance of phosphorus in rebars, except
A. Most potent ferrite strengthener after carbon
B. Increases both the yield and tensile strength of steel
C. Improves characteristic and atmospheric corrosion resistance
D. None of the above
It occurs when a cohesionless saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applies stress such as shaking during an earthquake or other sudden change in stress condition, in which material that is ordinarily a solid behaves like a liquid
A. Liquefaction
B. Condensation
C. Liquifaction
D. Not A
Rapid curing cut-back asphalt = Asphalt cement + ____
A. Kerosene
B. Gasoline
C. Crude Oil
D. Not A
It consists of preparing and treating an aggregate base course
A. Item 301 Bit. Prime Coat
B. Item 302 Bit. Tack Coat
C. Item 303 Bit. Seal Coat
D. Item 304
Which is not an effect of Fly Ash on concrete?
A. Improve concrete workability
B. Increase concrete durability
C. Increase heat hydration
D. Leads to longer curing time
What is Item 714?
A. Geo-Textiles
B. Water
C. Paint
D. Admixture
If waterproof membrane method is used during curing, the curing membrane shall remain in place for a period of not less than ___
A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 60 hours
In Item 734, Stone Mastic Asphalt, the newly paved section shall be closed to vehicular traffic until such time that the temperature cools down to atmospheric temperature of ___. After attaining the required atmospheric temperature, the paved section shall be opened for vehicular traffic
A. 50 - 60 deg C
B. 60 - 70 deg C
C. 70 - 80 deg C
D. 40 - 50 deg C
It is the consequence of excess water evaporating while the concrete dries or occurs due to change in moisture of concrete
A. Shrinkage Cracking
B. Thermal Cracking
C. Plastic / Settling Cracking
D. Expansion Cracking
What will you do when the aggregate sample material such as base course passed the requirements of quality tests except for Grading?
A. Obtain another set from a different source
B. Reject the material and the source
C. Just accept the material, it’s just grading only
D. Process again the aggregate material by blending
Fly ash as mineral admixture can be permitted but not exceeding ___ partial replacement of Portland cement in concrete mix (Item 311 PCCP)
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
Emulsified asphalt or cutback asphalt is usually used for
A. Seal Coat
B. Tack Coat
C. Prime Coat
D. B and C
The workability of the asphalt mix is very dependent on the ___
A. Temperature of the asphalt mix
B. Size of the aggregates used
C. Gradation of aggregates used
D. Texture of bitumen
Which of the following is the most appropriate penetration grade of asphaltic material for sealing PCCP joints? No more than ___
A. 90
B. 80
C. 100
D. 75
What is the minimum depth of the armored stem thermometer should be inserted to determine the temperature of the delivered asphalt mix?
A. 4”
B. 5”
C. 6”
D. 3”
What is the height of the reflectorized thermoplastic rubble strips?
A. 10mm
B. 5mm
C. 13mm
D. 15mm
What is the tolerance of gabion dimension?
A. +-3%
B. +-4%
C. +-5%
D. +-6%
This is the minimum thickness of coco-net used as bioengineering solution
A. 10mm
B. 12mm
C. 13mm
D. 15mm
What is the acceptable IRI value in m/km for national primary roads? Not more than ___
A. 1mm
B. 3mm
C. 5mm
D. 10mm
Non-shrink grout shall be placed within ___
A. 60 min
B. 45 min
C. 30 min
D. 15 min
What kind of curve is formed by graphing compaction curve of the MDD and OMC?
A. Parabolic
B. Hyperbolic
C. Linear
D. Algebraic
When the Fineness Modulus is smaller, the ___ is the material
A. Finer
B. Plastic
C. Coarse
D. Clayey