Manual NIBP Flashcards
What is blood pressure?
the outward pressure of blood against blood vessel walls is the product of blood flow from the heart and inward resistance of blood vessel walls
-a variable haemodymamic phenomenon which can vary beat to beat
What are some general factors that can effect blood pressure?
-bladder distension
-diurnal variation
What’s the equation for cardiac ouput?
stroke volume x HR
Whats the general equation for NIBP?
cardiac output x total vascular resistance
Why must BP measurment be accurate ?
-riskk factor in CHD
-detect silent disease
-determine need for management
-enable appropriate lifestyle advice
-ensure consistency in method for recording
-proffesional responsibility to self and to the patient
Name BP equiptment
-aneroid sphygmomanometer-must be calibrated anually and must register zero when no pressure is applied
Describe how to use a stethoscope
-ensure diaphragm is not damaged
-ensure ear pieces are clear and directed into ear canal
-ensure stethoscope is clean and cleaned between patients
Describe how to use the cuff
-bladder should cover approx 80% of the arms circumference
-width of cuff should approx cover 40% of arm/ cover 2/3 upper arm from top to bottom
-ensure tubing exits from the top of the cuff
What cuff size should you use per arm circumferance?
22-26cm-12x22cm (small adult)
35-44cm-16x36cm(large adult)
45-52cm-16x42cm (adult thigh)
What are the optimum conditions for recording BP?
-relaxed environment
-comfortable temp
-preceded by a short period of rest
-Non optimal conditions should be noted
Describe the Korotkoff sounds (adults)
K1-sound first appears-sharp thump (SBP)
k2-whoosing sound
K3-crispier and louder sound
K4-a softer blowing sounds that fades
K5-sound finally disappears-(DBP)
Describe the first 4 steps of BP procedure
-rest patient for 3-5mins before taking BP
-assess any factors that could influence BP measurement
-provide adequate explanation to patient
-position patient-sitting with feet on the floor and arm supported at the level of the heart
Describe the four steps of blood pressure procedure
-remove tight arm clothing
-locate brachial artery in the antecubital fossa
-select appropriate cuff size and apply 2-3cm above the pulse
-support patients arm at the level of the heart , hand, relaxed
-apply pressure 20-30mmHg above pulse
-deflate at 2/3mmHg per s
-record 2 readings 2-3mins apart
What should you do if you are measuring someones BP for the first time?
you should record the BP for both arms
How do you document BP?
-patients condition and position
-time and date
-record each arm and ensure units are reported
-signature grade
What are some general notes for taking BP?
-avoid applying cuff to extremity where IV fluids are infusing
-if patient has had lymphectomy then use other arm
-avoid arms with fistulas (renal)
Factors that effect BP
-excersise-increased 02 requirement
-respiratory pump-increased muscle activity
-blood volume
-hormones like ADH
-stroke volume
-diameter of blood vessels
What pressure does the RA have?
Zero- thats why we measure BP at the level of the heart