Definition of manual handling :
Any transporting or supporting of a load by hand or bodily force
Eg of manual handling
Lifting , putting down, pushing, pulling, MECHANICAL AID
Name a manual handling policy
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (circa 2004)
What are the employers responsibilities in Manual Handling regulations?
- conduct manual handling risk assessments if needed
- reduce risk of injury to lowest level REASONABLY practical
What are the employees responsibility for Manual Handling operation regulations
- follow standard operational procedure
- use of safe systems identifications from risk assessment
- report issues!
What are motivations for manual handling operations regulations?
- personal = lower pain /ongoing issues
- legal compliance = it’s the law
- social =lower sick days = less absenteeism
- financial= accidents cost money (civil liability )
… of uk pop. Suffer back pain
How many days were lost due to work related MSDs (muscular skeletal disorders )
Name injuries due to poor handling
- fractures
- damage to ligaments, muscles, tendons
- spinal slips
- trapped nerves
- burns
- work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs)
State hierarchy of control
State parts of team handling
- communication (hot to hold, when to lift, level to carry etc)
- coordination
- disparity if individuals (size , speed, strength)
- awkward areas
Where to hold a load to be safer…
Close to the body !