Manpower, Method, Machine, Materials Flashcards
management position, supervisory position to the staff or workforce needed In the operation of the business
The three qualification standard In manpower:
• Manpower
• Experience
• Academics
refers to the personality required to a workers traits, manners, values, the way they talk appearance and his overall physical attributes.
refers to the length of working experience In relation to the job criteria required as a worker. Its also what a worker applied for.
refers to the educational attainment of a worker to perform the job better.
An equipment to perform the needed task efficiently.
refers to the system and step by step process In the business.
the conversion of raw materials Into finished product.
Includes both direct and Indirect or consumable materials specifications, quantity needed, and the schedule of delivery should be clearly stated.
The unprocessed and basic material that is used to produce goods.
Raw materials
The five set criteria In choosing a supplier.
• Reliability
• Quality
• Value for money
• Financial security
• A partership approach
state of being reliable, worthy of confidence and dependable.
a degree of excellence, superior In kind and high distinguishing attribute.
The lowest price does not guarantee the best _________________.
Value for money
An assurance of a company to the supplier that they have sufficiently strong cash flow to deliver what the company wants and It needs.
Financial security
refers to having a strong relationship that will benifit both producer and supplier.
A partnership approach