mandible (Rotation) Flashcards
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
- Must wear to provide patient care
- Goggles (eyeglasses with side shields)
- Mask
- Gown - ## Other: no open toed shoes, long hair put up
- Remove gown if you leave the clinic
- Wear gown only for patient care
- Gowns and PPE are not allowed in the interpretation
rooms or the office - Dispose of gown in the Main Clinic at the end of the
Infection Control
- Use gloves to clean operatory
- Wipe down the operatory
- Dirty cart
- Wear gloves to touch mouse/keyboard, XCP,
tubehead, control panel
— - Monitor hand placement when wearing gloves
- Ø cross arms, place on hips, touch your
- Ø adjust your mask/goggles
room setup
- Wipe down operatory
- Place barrier for x-ray sensor and control panel
- Cassette
- Do not open until you are ready to take x-
rays - ## Forceps to pick up cotton rolls/edge-ease
- Turn on x-ray machine/control panel
- Log into Axium
- first time log in password: @xium - Chair positioning and adjustment
- Ensure sensor wire in not tangled
- Take care of clinic equipment
- notify tech if maintenance is needed
1) light on film
2) high density like enamel, cortical bone, amalgam
1) low density
2) pulp canal, maxillary sinus, air space
1) 1-2 mm wide
2) may have follicular cortication or not
3) if it is wider
- hyperplastic follicle
4) 8-10 mm is not normal
- abnormality, cyst or benign tumor
- dentigerous cyst/OKC/ameloblastoma
good trabecular pattern
1) can define the trabeculae well
2) fine horizontal lines
radiolucency in dentin
1) disease
abnormally wide PDL
1) disease
submylohyoid depression
1) submandibular fossa
2) lack of trabecular pattern
1) external oblique ridge
2) internal oblique ridge
3) mylohyoid ridge
- may continue with IOR
4) alveolar crest
5) inferior border of mandible
- 3-5 mm
6) IA canal
- can loop into mental foramen
mental foramen
1) in premolar region, near roots
dense bone island
1) idiopathic osteosclerosis
mandibular torus
1) radiopaque
2) lingual aspect of premolar and canines
genial tubercule
1) bony projection on lingual cortical plate
nutrient canals
1) radiolucent lines near roots
mental fossa
radiolucent depression between alveolar ridge and mental ridge
mental ridge
1) pyramid shape
- peak is at midline of mandible