managing change Flashcards
list some internal causes of change
- change in leadership
- business growth can lead to changes
- the type of business can influence change
list external causes of change
-availability of new tech
what is disruptive change
disruptive chnage issudden unplanned chnage that can have big impacts upon the company.
what is incremental change
incremental change is gradual and the result of a plan - often done with an attempt to minimise disruption
what is lewins force feild analysis
this model analyses the forces for and against a change. So the proposed plan for incremental change goes through the middle. Then on one side of the plan is the forces in support of the change - so like the benefits (increasing speed of production , benefits empyee motivatio)-as exampes of posative forses.
Then there are forces against the change such as the costs
why is delayering a good method for managing change
Delayering means removing parts of a business’s hierachy. Removing levels of hierachy and making the organisational structure more flat means improved communication which can help with decsion making in changing enviroments
why is an organic business structure more suited to managing change than a mechanictic structure
organic business’s strucutres are less beurocratic with flatter hiercahy meaning decisions can be made quickly and there are no rules to follow in order to to act upon the change.
where as mechanitic structures are much more beurocratic with high levels of hierachy, this means that it can lead to poorer levels of communication
how could flexable employee contacts help a business to adapt to chnage
If there is lots of employees on zero hour contacts then it is easier to handel increases and decreases in demand
what are Kotter and Scheligners four reasons for resistance to change
-self interest - often indeviduals are more concerned with there own situation rather than the sucess of the business - if its not evident how the change will benefit them then they will resist it
-misunderstanding -people may resist change if they do not understand it - communication
-low tolerance to change - peope tend to favour what they are familar to and will resent new chnages to what they are used to
-different assesment of the situation-key stakeholders may have alternate viewes on the need for chnage disagreeing that the change is nessesary and hencforth they resist it.
what are kotter and schlesigners six ways of overcoming resistance to change
educatation and communication
participation and involvment
facilitation and support (listening to concerns ect )
negotiation and agreement
manupulation and co-option (if an indevidual is resisting give them the opportunity for a desirable role to shut them up)
explicitite and implicite coercision - indevidual resiting could be threatened to make them comply
what is organizational culture
organiazational culutre is the way in which things are done within the company - and the way the business expects things to be done
what is strong and weak organisational culter
strong culture - when employees agree with the corporate values meaning the staff are more loyal and rquire less supervision
weak culture - this is when the employees of a company do not share the company values
what are the four main organisational cultures
-power culture -in these types of organisations power is only held by a small number of indeviduals if not only one indevidual within the company
-role culture - role culture is most common in burocratic firms where authority is defined by the job title
-person culture - the objects of these firms is defined by the goals of the indeviduals within the company(most common in looser organizations with indevidual workers. )
-task culture organisations with a task culture place a special emphasis on getting specific tasks done - usually have smaller teams working on a project
why might managers of a company wish to make change to the organisational culture
a organisational culture could be changed to focus on producing more at the increase competitivness
how might growth influence the organisational culture
if a business grows then it could take on more employees the empplyees have different views and are unsed to alternate organisational cultures which could then lead to a chnage in the companies organisational culture
why might it be difficult to change the organisational culture of a business
changing otganisational culture means changing the values of all of the employees within the organisation this would likly face some form of resistance.
how does hofstededs national cultures model work
Hofsten created numerous dimentions on which a contries vlaues and culture could be ranked upon, upon these rankings a business could determine as to whether they would like to set up business in that location.