Managerial Capitalism and US Model Flashcards
Taylorism (scientific management)
- “one best way”
- productivity of individual worker
- fair day’s work (max. work without injuring health, at a pace sustained throughout lifetime)
- conception vs. execution
- specialization
1. Divide into simple tasks
2. select appropriate cheapest worker to each task
3. integrate task and worker though surveillance
4. separation execution from conception and planning
Ideas on Management before Taylorism
- supervision of workers
- rules against distractions
- setting of production minimums
- dictation of the length of the working day
Consequences of Taylorism
- separation of mental and manual labor
- division of labor
- deskilling of jobs
- planning of work taken over by management (standardization)
- increases intensity and effort at work
- increases in real wages of partly-skilled workers
- development of consultancy firms
- increased unionization and control problems
Ford- Mass production
first mass production assembly line
use of interchangeable and standardized components
reduced cost of prod. ONLY when:
vertical integration into production and marketing
plants had to be running at near capacity
Improvement in labor relations
deskilling of work and bureaucratic control of labor processes
five dollar day:
- reduce high labor turnover in his plans
reduced work hours
New Management: Line and Staff
Line: executies: take decisions and implement them
Staff: advisors: give advices to line officers
Multidivisional Form
Functional structure: centralization
M-form: decentralization
- with size and diversification
- Dupont and General Motors
- each division has its own functional hierarchy
General Motors
- need to differentiate
- decentralized management
Strenghts of M-form
- enables corporate officers to more accurately monitor performance of each business
- faciliated comparisons btw divisions
- stimulated managers of poor performing divisions to look for ways to improve performance
- allows organization to expand operations
- units can work together thus benefiting from synergies
- positively influences firm’s diversification stratefy
Weaknesses of M-form
units may have to compete for scarce resources
Units may not coordinate, thus duplication the wasting resources