management of shock states Flashcards
CVP definition
pressure exerted by fluid in R atrium indicates R heart funciton- Normal is 0-6mmhg
CVP is elevated (0-6mmhg) by
fluid overload or cardiogenic shock
CVP is decreased (0-6mmhg) by
low fluid in R atrium, dehydration or distributive shock
MAP = SBP + 2(DBP/3) def
average driving force in the arterial system,
PAP measure of systolic and diastolic pressures in the pulmonary artery
15-25sys /dia 5-15
PAP is elevated sys >25, Dys >15 by
increased fluid in the pulm artery, or decreased elasticity of pulm arteryy
PAP is decreased SYS <15 or Dias <5 by
PCWP or PAOP, Lft ventricualr end diastolic pressure 6-12 is normal
PCWP/PAOP is >12 by
omcreased end diastolic pressrue in L ventricl, increased fluid or decreasd elasticity of the LV
PCWP/PAOP is <6 by
PCWP is a reflection of the tendency to develop
pulmonary edema, it should e kept at the lowest point possible to maintain adequate cardic function
Cardiac output - HRxSV normal is
CO is >8LPM when
inotropic agents, excess fluid
CO is <4LPM when
drugs to decrease contractility or low volume
Cardiac Index
CO/BSA more accurate than CO alone because it takes into account BSA, Normal is 2.5-4Lpm