Management of periodontitis in the maintenance phase Flashcards
What is the management of periodontitis treatment strategy?
Initial treatment
Cause-related therapy
Non-surgical treatment
What is the initial treatment management based on?
Emergency treatment
Extraction of teeth which are irrational to treat
Patient information
Plaque control including correction of retentive factors
Initial occlusal adjustment where necessary
Reassessment and monitoring
What is the aim of initial treament?
Shallow pockets with no bleeding on probing <4mm
What is done at the review?
Check all treatment has been carried out Check OH 6-point charting Evalutation - is treatment aim reached Plan follow up
If the initial phase is complete and treatment aims are achieved, what is the follow up?
Individualised recall programme
If the initial phase is complete and treatment aims are partially achieved, what is the follow up?
If the initial phase is incomplete, what is the follow up?
Review diagosis and treatment plan then reasses
Good initial therapy but poor result =
Refractory periodontitis
Need further investigation
e.g. bacteriological, medical, genetic
Initial treatment incomplete =
Treatment carried out well?
Patient compliance?
OHI, smoking?
Why do patients need maintenance?
Changing habits is difficult Re-motivation Patients cannot clean subgingivall Re-infection issues Episodic nature of disease
What is the aim of maintenance phase?
maintain infection control
this aim can be achieved through a well structures quality maintenance programme
What is the structure of a maintenance appointment?
S&P, OHI, F- Notes Diagnosis Risk-level InterVal RSD
What are the clinical criteria for diagnosis?
BOP PD Furcation, analysis pocket Occlusion and articulation, mobility Evaluation restorations/prosthese Examination for caries
What are the causes of periodontitis?
Type of bacteria (quality) And quantitiy, influenced by: Compliance/concordance OH 15% plaque = acceptable Number and depths of pockets Furcation involvement Restorative retention factors
What influences the resistence to periodontitis?
Systemic factors:
Diabetes, medication, pregnancy, HIV, Chron’s, Sjogren’s syndrome, RT, menopause
Genetic factors
Lifestyle; stess, smoking >10 a day incrases risk, drinking
What are the % risk for BOP and perio disease?
BOP>25% > risk
BOP <10%
What % of chlorhexidine is used in perio treatment?
How do you work out the bone level: age ratio?
Divide the % bone loss by the patient’s age
if >1 = high risk
0.5-1 medium
0.5 = low risk
If have a low risk patient, what is the recall interval?
6 monthly
If have a medium risk patient what is the recall interval?
4 monthly
If have a high risk paritne what is the recall interval?
3 monthly
What is the long term maintenance?
Full perio assessment every 2 years
Radiological assessment every 5 years