Management of Organization: Communication Flashcards
define communication
- the act or process of receiving & communicating messages
- an exchange or sharing of thoughts or info between one person & another
- the source of info to the organization
communication promotes motivation among employees
- helps in socializing
- plays a crucial role in altering an individual’s attitude
- assist in controlling the function of management
the communication process
sender -> message -> mode of transmission -> receiver -> decoding -> feedback -> sender
the person transmitting the message
- has a particular understanding of:
- the meaning of the message
- why the message is being dispatched
- the designated target
- the desired response
*all are encoded into the formulation of the message
the actual format of the communication effort
- how it is worded & presented is an important variable
- voice tone, gestures, verbal images
- have associated connotations that imply meaning or hidden messages
describe the mode of transmission
- the means by which a message is sent
- oral, written, nonverbal, recorder, or third party
the target of the message
- the person or group receiving the message
- background & perceptions may be different from those of the sender
- emotional state & social status in relation to the sender may affect receptiveness
how the receiver translates the communication, determining the respons
- dependent on the sender, message, mode of transmission, and the receiver
- also depends on the receiver’s understanding of the message within the historical context (previous announcements, exchanges)
follow through & assertion that the message was received & understood
- appropriate actions are taken
- must be included otherwise the whole communication effort collapses
communication sources
a. Formal
- exchange info through:
- - work orders
- - memos
- - meetings
- - policy manuals
- - job descriptions, etc.
b. Informal
- sources include:
- - newspapers
- - journals
- - magazines
- - TV
- - social media
communication directions
a. Vertical
- memos & other directives COME DOWN through the BUREAUCRATIC HIERARCHY
- responses & other info GO UP through the same network
b. Horizontal
- managers & staff talk to each other as peers
means/methods of communication
a. Dynamic
b. Canned
- “packaged”
- delivered in formats that DO NOT ALLOW RECIPIENT & SENDER TO RESPOND INSTANTANEOUSLY to each other
communication formats
a. Written
- letters, memos, work orders that are easy to document
- allows readers to study the message
b. Verbal
- sounds & words are used to express oneself
- telephone calls, intercom, face-to-face communication
c. Non-verbal
- gestures, mannerisms to express themselves
- sometimes contains hidden messages
signals transmitted by the demeanor or behavior of the sender
Non-verbal language
- tone of voice
- body & facial expressions
- person distance & movement
- physical environment
- connotation of time
an important amplifier of the signal
tone of voice
body & facial expressions that may signal the receiver that the sender is distracted/in a hurry
- frowns
- slouched body
- crossed arms
- inattentive, far-away look
making a direct physical movement toward the other person
person distance & movement
reducing background noise, ensuring privacy
physical environment
use of _____ can convey a powerful, non-verbal message
- includes punctuality & priority
communication links
a. Personal
b. Organization
personal communication links
a. personal networking
- group of friends, peers, co-workers, supervisors
b. grapevine
- “gossip”
- valuable tool for managers
- links people across the organization
c. written communication
- key skills with the growth of e-mail & collaboration
organization communication links
a. internal information
- data w/in the organization
- management -> worker
b. stakeholder’s feedback
- info outside to whom the organization is serving
c. professional links
- individuals or organizations that provide info to the company
d. collaboration
- working jointly with other organizations or groups having the same purpose
- sharing the same info & resources
communication barriers
- structural
- problems in semantics
- technical problems
- people
- outcome problems
describe structural barriers
- problems in the organization itself, its design
- bureaucratic problems
- “spatial constraints”
- distance, job descriptions
- isolate people from the normal communication channels of an organization
the branch of communication science that studies the denotation & connotation of words & messages
exact dictionary meaning of a word or phrase
context & non-verbal messages associated with the word or phrase
semantic barriers in the workplace
- words with different meanings
- faulty translations
- unclarified assumptions
- denotations/connotations
- technical jargons
- bad expressions
can occur during the transmission & reception of the message
Technical problems
- may include defects in the equipment
individual differences in background, perception, interpersonal relationships
People barriers
- can be caused by perception or interpersonal relationships
we see what we are looking for & ignore what we do not recognize or understand
Perception problems
- “selective perception”:
- “halo effect”
- closely tied to the emotional & attitudinal state of the participants
describe the problems in interpersonal relationships
- differences in background & communication skills
- relative & social differences between parties
worthiness of a person as perceived by another individual within the context of trust, honesty, & competence
people barriers in the workplace
- less faith in subordinates
- fear of challenge of authority
- lack of incentives
- unwillingness to communicate
closely tied with the acceptance of the message by the receiver
outcome problems
common barriers to effective communication
- time
- language; slang, jargons, regional colloquialisms
- noise: emotional, cultural, environmental
- distractions
- put downs
- lack of interest, attitude
- disability, physiological barriers
- discomfort with the topic
- distance
- too many questions, info overload
- other people
- lack of experience
- ambiguity
- jumping to conclusions
how to improve structural barriers
remove or find alternative routes
how to improve semantic barriers
pay attention to both content & context
how to improve technical barriers
find alternative routes or times
how to improve people barriers
provide training, groundwork, feedback, explanations, reassurance, credibility, trust
how to improve outcome barriers
ensure that the outcome is within the ability of the receiver to perform
ways to improve the communication process
a. good listening skills
- asking fundamental questions, seeking feedback, showing interest in the speaker, etc.
b. empathy
- allows the sender to prepare the message with the needs of the audience in mind
effective communication at meetings
- listen to opinions & value them
- compliment
- ensure that there are no surprises
- avoid confrontation, ill words, criticisms
- do not dominate
- be clear & open
- use clean, simple, appropriate language
- include the W/H point
- do not misinterpret/overdramatize what was said