Management of mood disorders Flashcards
What scales are used to assess depression?
IDS-30-SR (30 question patient related scale)
QIDS (shorter version of ADS-30-SR which assesses biological symptoms)
Which is the best all round SSRI?
Why is sertraline used in the older population?
Good cardiac safety profile
Easy dose titration
What are the benefits of mirtazapine?
Promotes sleep and appetite/weight gain
What should you think about if antidepressants aren’t working?
Medication concordance Right diagnosis? Substance misuse Physical illness Any other predisposing, precipitating and prolonging factors
What should be tried medication wise if antidepressants aren’t working?
Dose increase; there is a dose response relationship with ADs
Combine; SSRI/SNRI plus mirtazapine
Augment; antipsychotic or lithium
What should be assessed before ADs are started?
Ratings of depressive symptoms using clinical scales
Warn pts about side effects but the probability that they will be transient
Review after 1-2 weeks
What constitutes a trial of ADs?
6 weeks in adults
8 weeks in elderly
What is treatment resistant depression?
2 adequate trials of 2 different antidepressants
What treatment should be given to prevent relapse in the 1st episode of depression?
Continue AD fo at least 6 months after full recovery without reducing the dose
What should be done for relapse prevention after 2 or more depressive episodes?
Continue AD for at least 1-2 years after full recovery without reducing dose
What are the principles of managing acute mania/hypomania?
Maximise antimanic dose if already on maintenance
ADs should be discontinued
Combo therapy may be required
Hospital admission likely to be required if mania
What is 1st line in management of acute mania?
Antipsychotic; olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidone
What are 2nd line options in the management of acute mania?
When will benzodiazepines be used in acute mania?
Symptom control; agitation and insomnia