Management of Foot and Ankle Pathology Flashcards
Which type of malleolar fracture will have weight bearing restrictions?
medial malleolus
What is important to remember about rehab of an ankle fracture?
if able to try to limit immobilization as early as possible to have better outcomes
Will pts still have issues 2 years after an ankle fracture?
most likely yes, pain stiffness and weakness
What can immobilization of the pt lead to after an ankle fracture?
CVD, cancer, DM, depression
What are main treatment principles for an ankle fracture?
once healed attack DF and weakness with stretching and Mobs
What are two common fractures to the 5th metatarsal?
Jones fx- base of 5th met peroneus brevis FX
stress fracture- proximal shaft of 5th- non union healing common
What is important to remember about healing of 5th met?
5th met gets poor blood supply
What is a Lover’s fracture?
calcanea fx from fall from height or MVA
if intra-articular likely healed with ORIF
What joint is key during rehab of a Lover’s fracture?
subtalar joint ROM is key
Can you treat pes planus by itself?
no, need to create with a clinical syndrome like plantar fasciitis, PFP, MTSS
What are most likely causes of hallux valgus?
due to abnormal mechanics over time
also a genetic link is cause of 60%
tx- address pathomechanics creating forces on 1st MTP
What is average hallux valgus degree?
15 degrees normal
mild 20-30
mod- 30-40
severe -over 40
What is claw toe?
abnromal flexion of IP joint with extension of MTP- affects all toes
What is hammer toe?
abnormal flexion of IP without extension of MTP- affects 1-2 toes
What is tx for claw and hammer toe?
if rigid needs surgery if not:
mobilize MTP into flexion and shoe with larger toe box
problems likely coming from up the chain
What is typical MOI for a syndesmotic ankle sprain?
rotation of talus that gaps the distal tib fib joint, DF of ankle and ER of tibia on planted foot
What motion should be avoided during rehab of high ankle sprain?
excessive DF as that will gap distal tib fib joint
What is most common risk factor associated with a lateral ankle sprain?
decreased ankle DF and muscle strength but remember ankle sprains are multi factorial
What are Ottawa rules for dx of an ankle fx?
bone tenderness at medial or lateral malleolus, talus, base of 5th met, navicular inability to bear weight
What are characteristics of a grade 2 lateral ankle sprain?
some loss of function, decreased motion, positive anterior drawer, neg talar tilt (CFL), swelling, bruising, point tenderness
What are characteristics of a grade 3 lateral ankle sprain?
significant loss of function inability to bear weight positive talar tilt and anterior drawer
extreme swelling, bruising, point tenderness
What is important to remember about any ligament in body but especially ankle ligs?
ligaments don’t have elasticity so if first injury isn’t resolved ligaments will becoming more lax and likely lead to another sprain
What are two types of ankle instability ?
- functional
2. mechanical
What is functional ankle instability?
recurrent ankle sprains or sensation that ankle is giving way, absence of objective joint instability