Management of Diabetes - Type 2 Flashcards
Aware of the medications used in the treatment of T2 Diabetes.
Mechanism of action of these treatments.
Describe the important side effects and adverse drug interactions of medications used to treat Diabetes Mellitus.
Understanding of Home blood glucose monitoring and targets HbA1c and glycaemic control.
Appreciate SIGN guidance 116 and choice of therapies.
Demonstrate an awareness of new drug developments in Diabetes Mellitus.
Risk stratification for patients with T2 Diabetes.
Aware of patient education resources.
Discuss the natural progression of diabetes and the importance of patient centred care.
What type of support should a diabetic patient receive?
- Blood glucose levels checked
- Blood pressure checked
- Blood lipids checked
Annual checks;
- Eye screened
- Feet checked
- Kidney function monitored
- Education course
- Emotional and psychological support
- Weight
- Smoking cessation support
What are the aims of diabetes treatment?
- Relief of primary symptoms
- Prevention of complications
- Preservation of QoL
- Damage minimalisation
Why does increasing insulin release help treat T2DM?
Pancreas: beta cell dysfunction + diminished incretin effect –> decreased insulin production
Thus, increasing insulin release counteracts this.
What medications increase insulin release?
- Sulphonylureas
- Metiglinides
- Incretin Mimetics
- DPPIV inhibitors
What medications increase excretion of glucose?
SGLT2 inhibitors
Why does improving insulin action help treat T2DM?
Pancreas: excess glucagon –> decreased insulin action –> increase blood glucose levels
Periphery: insulin resistance –> decreased insulin action –> increase blood glucose levels
What medications improve insulin action?
- Biguanides
- Thiazolidiones
AND Weight reduction