Management Of COPD Flashcards
Describe the symptoms of COPD.
The symptoms of COPD include breathlessness, wheezing, recurrent cough, chest infections, and winter bronchitis.
What are the three components of COPD?
The three components of COPD are reversible airflow obstruction, chronic inflammation in the airway (chronic bronchitis), and systemic effects such as malnutrition, muscle mass loss, and cardiac complications.
How can COPD affect the respiratory system?
COPD can cause reduced air flow in the airways, gas exchange issues across the lungs (emphysema), and recurrent chest infections.
Define the aim of COPD management.
The aim of COPD management is to improve exercise tolerance, prevent exacerbations, address weight loss and nutrition, manage comorbidities, and provide effective palliative care for terminally ill patients.
Do patients with COPD require non-pharmacological interventions?
Yes, patients with COPD may benefit from non-pharmacological interventions such as smoking cessation, vaccination, pulmonary rehabilitation, nutritional support, and psychological support.
Describe the Fletcher curve and its significance in COPD.
The Fletcher curve illustrates the rapid decline in lung function for individuals who continue to smoke after the onset of symptoms, emphasizing the importance of smoking cessation in managing COPD.
Describe the benefits of smoking cessation for individuals with severe disability due to lung disease.
Smoking cessation can lead to a less steep decline in lung function, compared to those who continue to smoke, even in very late stages of the disease.
What is pulmonary rehabilitation and how does it benefit patients with lung disease?
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a comprehensive six-week course involving exercise, individualized advice, psychological support, and multidisciplinary care. It can improve exercise capacity, reduce breathlessness, enhance quality of life, and decrease hospitalization.
Define the evidence levels A and B in the context of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Evidence level A is the highest quality available, while evidence level B is the next best evidence.
How do pneumococcal and flu vaccinations benefit patients with COPD?
Pneumococcal vaccination decreases hospitalization and all-cause mortality, while annual flu vaccination can also reduce hospitalization and mortality. The combination of both vaccines offers further benefits.
Describe the aim of pharmacological management for COPD and its impact on the course of the illness.
The aim is to relieve symptoms, prevent exacerbations, and improve quality of life. Inhalers do not change the course of the illness but can provide symptom relief and prevent exacerbations.
What are the three groups of inhalers available for COPD management?
The three groups are short-acting bronchodilators, long-acting bronchodilators, and inhaled corticosteroids.
Explain the role of short-acting bronchodilators in COPD management.
Short-acting bronchodilators open up the airways but have a short duration of action, typically between one to four hours.
Describe the multidisciplinary approach of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Pulmonary rehabilitation involves physiotherapists, psychologists, pharmacists, and occupational therapists providing individualized advice on exercise, checking inhaler technique, offering nutritional support, and providing psychological support.
Describe the three broad groups of inhalers used in the management of COPD.
Short-acting beta agonists, short-acting anti-muscarinic agents, long-acting bronchodilators, and inhaled corticosteroids.
What are the commonly used short-acting beta agonists for COPD management?