Management - Cervical Cancer Flashcards
Factors to be considered
Fertility wishes
Ovarian preservation
Sexual function
Intercurrent medical disorders
What does MDT decision making include?
Risks vs benefits
What are the possible treatment options?
Who is radical treatment considered for?
All patients expect those with widespread metastatic disease or gross bladder or rectal involvement
What did the Cochrane review (2015) find in relation to surgery and and chemo/RT?
No evidence to support the addition of hysterectomy to RT or Chemo/RT to improve outcomes
What did the Cochrane review (2012)/ Rogers et al (2012) find in relation to favouring RT or chemo/RT after radical surgery where there is a recurrence in IB, IB2 and IIA disease?
They found lower rates of disease progression but no improvement in overall survival in those who received adjuvant RT
GFR test (chemo)?
Glomerular filtration rate
What are some cisplatin toxicities?
Cardiac disorders, gastrointestinal, general disorders, haematological, hepatobiliary, nephrotoxicity, nervous system, oxotoxicity
Managing chemo side effects - Increased risk of infection
Rise in temp - Sepsis risk