Manage Users and Groups Flashcards
create a new user
#useradd user1 by default a home directory is created under /home #useradd -c "Full name" user1 # useradd -s /bin/tcsh user2 change user's shell # useradd -c "full name" -d /home/location user change user's home directory location #useradd -G wheel bob add bob the wheel's group as the account is created #useradd -u 504 -g 505 bob add user bob with uid 504 and GID 505, the gid must already exist
delete a user
# userdel user1 by default userdel doesn't remove the home directory, nor delete mailbox #userdel -r user1 removes user's home directory & mailbox # userdel -f bob also remove home directory & mail spool even if the user is logged on
modify user’s account using usermod
usermod uses some of the same commands as useradd #usermod -c "full name" user2 #usermod -s /bin/bash bob change bob's shell to bash #usermod -a -G sales bob modify bob to be in the sales group #usermod -l usr user change the name of a user account(from usr-user)
How to add/remove/modify users from the GUI
You might need to install it first # yum -y install system-config-users # system-config-users or from the GUI System -> Administration -> users & groups
change user’s password
#useradd -p test123 newUser create user with a password #passwd user change user's password account is disabled if no password is provided
locking and unlocking a local user’s account
#passwd -l user to lock a user's account #passwd -u user to unlock a user's account #usermod -L username locks an account #usermod -U username unlocks an account
Setting user’s password expiration
By default there is no expiration set for a user's password, but you can set that using the chage command #chage -M 90 user1 set password expiration to 90 days(user must change in 90 days) #change -E 2012-5-25 user set expiration for a user on a specific day You can also use the passwd command to set expiration for a user's password #passwd -x 30 user set password to expire in 30 days
Other chage commands
#chage -l user check a user's policy Also this command will let you see the status of an account #passwd -S user #chage -w 2 user set warning to 2 days prior to password expiration #change -m 10 user allow a user to change their password every 10 days and no more. #chage -d 0 user apply immediate expiration
chage command line options and meanings
- m -> specifies the minimum number of days between which the user must change password. if the value is 0, the password does not expire
- M -> specifies the maximum number of days for which the password is valid
- d -> specifies the number of days since Jan 1 1970 the password was changed
- I -> specifies the number of inactive days after the password expiration before locking the account. If set to 0, the account is not locked after the password expires
- E -> specifies the date on which the account is locked, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Instead of the date, the number of says since Jan 1 1970 can also be used
- W -> specifies the number of days before the password expiration date to warn the user
To create a group
#groupadd research for new group memebership to take effect after adding a user to a group, a user must log out, then log back in or run #newgrp groupname
to check which groups user belongs to
#groups as the user #groups user as root
to modify group’s attribute
groupmod -n group1 group2
Change group id
groupmod -g 1000 group2
granting non-root user right to add users to a group
#gpasswd -A user groups2 user acting as group administrator now as the group administrator #gpaswd -a user5 group2
to delete a group
#groupdel group2 you can also use the user & group gui tool to add/delete groups
adding and removing a user from a group
#groupmems -g sales -a bob add user bob to the sales group #groupmems -g sales -d tom remove user tom from the sales group
listing contents of the group file
The group file is located /etc/group, but you can also list its contents #getent group2
adding user to LDAP(lightweight directory access protocol)
From the GUI
System -> administration -> authentication
GUI LDAP configuration
You might have to install #yum -y install openldap-client system-config-authentication #system-config-authentication calling the GUI from the terminal
terminal LDAP configuration
yum install -y openldap-clients nss-pam-ldapd
run the authentication menu from the terminal # authconfig-tui
choose the following options
- Cache Information
- Use LDAP
- Use MD5 Passwords
- Use Shadow Passwords
- Use LDAP Authentication
- Local authorization is sufficient
in the LDAP settings, type:
test the connection to the ldap server # getent passwd ldapuser02