EXTRAS Flashcards
mount an ISo
mount -o loop media.iso /media
Set same SELinux context for a directory
chcon -R –reference=/var/www/html/ /var/www/html/inst
FTP and http file location
vsftp server is /var/ftp/pub
HTML is /var/www/html
example setting up a VSFTP server and upload DVD installation
#yum install vsftpd #service vsftpd start test that you can connect to #chkconfig vsftp on # mkdir /var/ftp/pub/inst -> create directory to copy files #mount -ro loop download.iso /media -> use iso or DVD #mount /dev/cdrom /media -> mount dvd # cp -ar /media/. /var/ftp/pub/inst #chcon -R -t public_content_t /var/ftp/ -recursively set SELinux context #service vsftpd restart
add/remove software tool is located
System -> administration -> add/Remove Software
List of packages needed for virtualization
qemu-kvm - the main kvm package
python-virtinst - command line tools and libraries for creating VMS
virt-manager - GUI VM administration tool
virt-top - command for VM statistics
virt-viewer - GUI connection to configure VMs
libvirt - c language toolkit with the libvirtd service
libvirt-client - c language toolkit for VM client
check if the right VM modules are located
#lsmod | grep kvm output should return either kvm-intel or kvm-adm if the output is different or no output run this command to add: #modprobe kvm
You can also use the virt-install --prompt command to set virtual machines, just enter information as asked such as RAM, CPU, and so forth # virt-install --prompt
virt-install to install a VM with a kickstart file
The virt-install –prompt command can be used to install from a kickstart. Example
# virt-install -n outside1.example.org -r 768 –dis \
path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/outsider1.example.org.img \
-l \
-x “ks=”
switches for the virt-install command
- n (–name) sets the name of a VM
- r (–ram) configures the amount of RAM in MB
- -disk defins the virtual disk
- l (–location) specifies the directory or URL wit hthe installation files
- x (–extra-args=) includes extra data, such as the url of a kickstart file.
virt-clone –prompt
the virt-clone –prompt command can be used t oclone an existing VM. Make sure the system to be cloned is shutdown.
Tools of interest for administrative purposes
- telnet and nmap to verify remove access to open ports
- mutt as an email client to verify the functionality of an email server
- elinks as a web browser to make sure web services are accessible
- lftp to access ftp servers with command completion
#telnet localhost 21 # nmap localhost #mutt -f pop://username@host you can also use the mail command as: $mail Michael subject: test cc: marth@example.com $mail -s 'host file' < /etc/hosts root@localhost $elinks $lftp ftp.example.org -u frany
lftp standard commands
cd - changes the current working directory at the remote host
ls - list files at the remote host
get - retrieve one file from the remote host
mget - retrieve a group of files from the remote host
put - uploads one file from your computer to remote host
mput - uploads a group of files to remote host
pwd - list current working directory to the remote host
quit - ends the FTP session
!ls - list files on your host computer in the current directory
!cd - change the local host directory fur upload/download
!pwd - list current working directory on local host computer
The Alias command examples
some alias command examples: #alias cp='cp -i' #alias l.='ls -d .* --color-=auto' #alias ll='ls -l --color=auto' #alias rm='rm -i' #alias rm ='mv -t ~/.trash'
the locate command database
the locate command database is normally updated only once each day base on this cron /etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron (might have to manually run)
Specialized variations on the vi command:
vipw - edit /etc/passwd vigw - edit /etc/group visudo - etdit /etc/sudoers vipw -s - edit /etc/shadow vigr -s - edit /etc/gshadow
arp command
The arp command displays a table of hardware and IP addresses on the local computer. ARP can help detect problem such as duplicate addresses on the network
displaying routing table
#netstat -r -> displays routing table, similar to route #route -n -> similar to #netstat -rn
get dhcp info
dhclient eth0
two tools that can be used to configure network devices:
System-config-network -GUI
nm-connection-edit - GUI command line
System-preferences-network connections
check DNS server
if in doubt about whether the DNS server is operational: #dig @ mheducation.com
default umask
The default umask is driven by the /etc/bashrc file
remount a file system
mount -o remount /home
common ports
21 - FTP 22 - secure shell (SSH) 23 - telnet 25 - SMTP 53 - DNS 80 - http 88 - kerberos 110 - pop 139 - netbios 143 - IMAP 443 - https 993 - IMAP over SSL 2049 - NFS4 995 - POP over SSL 69 - TFTP 139 & 445 as well as UDP 137 & 138 - SAMBA
diagnose error when running semanage login -l
#yum whatprovides /usr/sbin/semanage #yum -y install policycoreutils-python
options for SELinux user roles
- guest_u no GUI, no networking, no access to the SU or sudo command
- xguest_u GUI, networking only via the firefox web browser
- user_u GUI and networking available
- staff_u GUI, networking, and the sudo command available
- unconfined_u Full system access
tools to search /var/log/audit
#ausearch -m avc -c sudo #sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
other facl command
#getfacl file | setfacl --set-file = - file2 -> copy acl from file1 to file2 #getfacl --access dir | setfacl -d -M-dir -> copy the access acl into the default ACL
GRUB common errors
error 15: file not found - the partition was mounted; the kernel was not found on that partition. Cause: root(hdx,y) directive does not point to the partition with /boot directory
ERROR 17: cannot mount selected partition: the partition is not formatted to a filesystem with files. Cause: the root(hdx,y) directive points to a partition formatted to a system such as linux swap
ERRO 22: no such partition: there is no partition specified by the root (hdx,y) directive.
list commands at group command line
To see a list of commands at the GRUB command line, press the tab key at the grub > prompt.
To find the grub.conf file (find the /boot directory)
grub > find /grub/grub.conf
Another way to find the /boot directory
grub > root
to confirm the location of grub.conf, run the cat command:
grub > cat (hd0,0) /grub/grub.conf
to see the files installed with a package
rpm -ql upstart
runlevel control commands
halt -> moves to runlevel 0
init -> manages the current runlevel(different from init daemon)
initctl -> controls the init daemon
poweroff -> moves to runlevel 0
runlevel -> list current and previous runlevel
telinit -> manages the current runlevel
parameters in /etc/sysconfig/init
The parameters in the /etc/sysconfig/init specify how the system looks and feels during the boot process