Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Flashcards
networking dynamically(from DHCP)
#cat /etc/sysconfig/network-cripts/ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 HWADDR=[Mac Address] TYPE=ethernet UUID=[uuid number(hex)] ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp
Networking statically
-edit file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE="eth1" BOOTPROTO="static" DNS1="" GATEWAY="" HWADDR=[MAC Address] IPADDR="" NETMASK="" IPV6INIT="yes" NM_CONTROLLED="yes" ONBOOT="yes" TYPE="Ethernet" UUID="[UUID hex number]"
after making changes to eth files
#ifdown eth1 #ifup eth1
or #service network restart
Primary network configuration files
Cron VS at
Cron is used to schedule recurring task while at is used to schedule a task to run at a particular time
Setting up a cron
chkconfig –list crond make sure that crond is set to boot
# service crond status check that crond is started
# cat /etc/crontab see rule example of job definition
* * * * *
1st star is for min(0-59)
2nd star is for hours(0-23)
3rd star is for day (1-31)
4th star is for month(1-12)
5th star is for day of the week(Sunday = 0 or 7, 0-6 Sunday-Saturday)
Review #ls /var/spool/cron #cat /var/spool/cron/root
Cron jobs that run periodically
These jobs are stored and run periodically # /etc/cron.daily # /etc/cron.weekly # /etc/cron.hourly # /etc/cron.monthly
List crontab
#crontab -l list crontab as owner #crontab -l -u user1 list crontab as root for user1
edit crontab
#crontab -e edit crontab for current user # crontab -e -u user1 edit crontab for user1 only root can edit other user's crontab
/etc/cron.deny and /etc/cron.allow
add user to /etc/cron.deny or /etc/cron.allow to deny or allow them to be able to create cron jobs
Setting up at
#service atd status check that the atd service has started # chkconfig --list atd make sure it's set to start at boot
List of commands for at
#at -f now+2minutes sets a job to run in 2 mins # atq jobs that are submitted # atrm 3 remove a job(enter job number) #at -f 12pm tomorrow run at 12PM tomorrow #ls /var/spool/at where the scrip for scheduled jobs are
-After an install a ks file is automatically created and stored in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
- You can create a ks file by hand or you can use the system kickstart utility located here:
Applications -> System tools -> kickstart (it’s not installed by default)
- in the kickstart file, the lines that starts with”@” means a group package to be installed. The lines that starts with “-“ means to exclue those packages from being installed.
Installing from a KS in an NFS partition
- first boot from the boot cd. Then press the ESC key
- at the boot prompt type(press Enter afterward)
boot: linus ks=nfs:IP:/srv/nfs/ks.cfg
Installing from a KS in an FTP or http location
While still booting from an actual install cd, you could add the location of the ks to an ftp or http server, and add such entry in the KS file:
usr –url=http://ip/rhel6
-After booting from the DVD install, press the tab key, then enter:
> vmlinuz initrd = initrd.img ks=http://ip/rhel/ks.cfg ksdevice=eth0
> vmlinuz initrd = initrd.img asknetwork ks= ksdevice=eth0
Kernel boot options:
- linux ks = ftp://host/ks.cfg
- linux ks = http://host/ks.cfg
- linux ks = nfs:host:/ks.cfg
- linux ks=hd:/dev/dir/ks.cfg
- linux ks=file:/dev/dir/ks.cfg
You can syncronize the system clock with a remote server over the network Time Protocol(NTP). for the one-time synchronication only use the ntpdate command