Male Violoence Flashcards


Violence and conflict


R+J is a tradgedy so contains a large amount of conflict ,he uses the possiblitltiy of conflict to build tension throughout the play

Mainly he uses 2 types of conflict internal conflict and
•External conflict-which shows the dispute and fighting between caplet and montagues
•Internal conflict- the mental struggles character feel towards their feelings and what is happening to them

Household Conflict

Main conflict is between caplets and montagues
There is conflict in the households e.g
Juliet and her father

Also see it in act 1 scene 5
And When tybalt sees Romeo and argues with lord caplet he states “2villai is a guest” and that he shall not “endure him”

Capulet is angered by tybalts remarks as capulet oesnt want to become a mockery among his guests or cause a fuss he says “2he shall be endured
he then asks “Am I the master , or you?”
Te rhetorical question reaffirms LC authority whilst disr=crediting any authority tybalt my have thought he had

His language is patronising and belittling he calls him a “saucy boy” which is belittling tybalt tybalt inevitably says “I will withdraw”

Act 3 Scene 5
Juliet disobeys her father and refuses to marry Paris
Capulet become agressive and violent due to this disobedience
“Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!
“fingers itch” - feels he need to slap her
Violent imagery used in “2hang, beg starve,die in the street”
Juliet is disowned by her fther(tempearily atleast) which would be then expected reaction from her father
It is clear from these examples that when LC authority is threatened conflict arises

External Conflict
Play is about the conflict between the two households

Firstly the prologue sets the scene for conflict “Two households both alike in dignity”
Tells us that their “ancient grudge” makes ”civil hands unclean”

Shakespeare makes it clear that the lovers would not have a tragic fate if it was not for the “mutiny” between parents

Importance no theme of conflict is affirmed in act 1 scene 1 at the very beginning positioning the reader to engage in the play it hooks the reader, as the play has started off with media res

Starts with a small insult “do you bite your thumb at us, sir?”
The arguing builds dramatic tension

The quick transition between comedy and violent e nad danger in line 1-38 demonstrates the rapid pace which later dictates the plays later event

Also “Draw, if you be men Gregory remember thy washing blow”

Princes Speech:
He is used as a way to explain the effects of caplet and montagues violence has
On the people of Verona \

“Have thrie disturbed the quiet of our street” shows conflict and violence become a regular occurrence

He then presents the extent of conflict showing how bad it is as he says if there is another fight in the streets of Verona then “lives shall pay the forfeit of peace”

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External Conflict quotes


The prologue

“Two households, both alike in dignity” th prologue sets the scene of conflict
It’s also tells us
“From Ancient grudge break to new mutiny” this ancient grudge makes “Civil hand unclean”2

Shakespeare makes it obvious to the reader that the tragic fate which awaits the lovers would not be there if not for te mutiny between their parents

Act 1 Scene 1 - media res action conflict

“Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir?” and the result of arguing build dramatic tension . This tension is laced with humour as the servants try to catch eachother in tech analogies of language e
“Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy washing blow” - Sampson

“What, drawn all of peace? I hate the word, As i hate hell, all Montages, and thee. Have at thee, coward” Tybalt

Prince act 1 scene 1.
“Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace”
.. What ho, you mean ,you beasts!”
“That quench the fire of your pernicious rage”
“With purple fountains issuing from your veins:”2
“Have thrice disturb’d the quiet of our streets”
“Your lives shall pay for the forfeit”

He is authoritative and lays down rules t avoid conflict causing major issues

Act 3 scene 1
“No better term than this :thou art a villain .”

“Tybalt, the reason that i love thee
Doth much cause the appertaining rage”

“Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries That thou hast done me, therefore turn and draw”

Tybalt- “I am for you[Drawing]”
“Tybalt under Romeo’s arm thrusts Mercutio in”

“I am hurt. A plague a’both your houses!”-Reapeated 3 times between lines 89 and 103

“2o Romeo ,Romeo brave mercutio is dead”

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Fate and Freewill


Fate is the concept that there are forces outside of human control which predetermine what happens in our lives,there is nothing we can do to stop it

Free will is the anithe#is of fate. It claims there are no outside forces and all the actions we take are just a result of us exercising our own choices


Identifies the theme of fate as it tells the audience what is going to happen before it happens m,this is a dramatic tool used to create tenison

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Internal Confilct Quotes


2 types of internal conflict

Firstly household conflict
Tybalt sees romeo and says “Fetch me my rapier boy”

Then to capulet he says ”Villain is a guest”
Capulet replies ”He shall be endur’d”
And also *“Am I the master here,or you? go to!
- go to means shame on you
Capulet is belittling tybalt , this reaffirms Capulet quothiry whilst discrediting any authority tybalt thought he had. Capulet language is extremely patronising in this section (lines 74-91) he also calls tybalt ”Saucy boy” which is belittling and the term ”saucy” means silly and someone who likes to cause trouble- this would make Tybalt angered as it is damaging his honour (thinking of this this may intensify tybalts hatred for Romeo as he has been humiliated by capulet)

“Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries That thou hast done me, therefore turn and draw”- shows the effect it has on tybalt

However tybalt does undermine this authority after he succumbs to what Capulet wants “I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall, Now seeming sweet,convert to the bitt’rest gall”- gall image of bile bitter tybalt is a bitter person

Act 3 scene 5 arranged marriage

Juliet disobeys her father and refuses to marry Paris
Capulet become agressive and violent due to this disobedience
“Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!
“fingers itch”
- feels he need to slap her
Violent imagery used in “hang, beg starve,die in the street”
Juliet is disowned by her fther(tempearily atleast) which would be then expected reaction from her father
It is clear from these examples that when LC authority is threatened conflict arises
His finger itch”

Internal Conflict in Juliet
Aside from the obvious external conflict which manifests itself through violence within the play, characters also suffer from internal conflict

Juliet suffers a lot of internal conflict as she struggles between her love of Romeo and her loyalty to her family.

Balcony scene afte the part she goes to the balcony scene trying to rationalise her feelings and even fid ways to overcome the problem. In Juliets baloney soliloquy the audience is able to see how desperate she is to have a way in which romeo could not be a montagues .

””Deny thy father and efuse they name// Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,// and I’ll no longer be a Capulet ””- she is saying if romeo truly loves her then he will stop being a montagues she will stop being a capulet but this is wishful thinking

**What’s monatague? It nor hand, nor foot, Nor Arm, nor face, nor any other part”- Juliet then becomes more desperate trying to figure out what is so special about a name, this shows shakespeares criticism of the futility of the situation

””That which we call a rose// By any other word would smell as sweet;// So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’s, retain the dear perfection which he owes”- rose symbol. Of romance , love him for what he is , also highlights the futility of the the conflict . Roses have thorn so Shakespeare may be using the rose to e I bit the duality of love that while t can be soft it can be hard
Act 1 Scene 5

Juliet internal conflict-“My only love sprung from my only hate”
“THAT I MUST LOVE A LAOTHED ENEMY”-Juliet uses uses the juxtaposition of “Love” and hate highlighting her inner turmoil and also ‘must’ indicted that she has no other choice. She is in love with Romeo and cannot change the fact. This presents conflict for Juliet, as she cannot change what she feels-despite knowing she should
Act 2 Scene 2:Juliet and internal conflict
“I am too quickly won,” “it is too rash,too unadvisedly, too sudden” in the orchard she seems slightly hesitant-she realised this intense love holds danger. ”unadvisedly” shows she is inexperienced and young. Quickly is an adverb this can be argued that she is a tragic heroin as she like romeo falls in love too quickly which may be her fatal flaw which inevitably does lead to death- her death is down to love and conflict - Shakespeare has made it complex as a to a C16 audience SS may be criticising that violence does inevitably lead to death and it interferes with basic human emotions such as love. “Rash” and “sudden”2 she has realised it is too quick

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Violence Quotes


“Civil blood makes civil hands unclean”- PROLOGUE

“Purple fountains issuing from your veins” act 1 scene 1
“Lives shall pay the forfeit of peace”
Act 1 Scene 5
“Fetch me my rapier,boy”2
“To strike him dead I hold it not a sin”
“O brother monatgue give me thy hand”
“I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall, Nowseeming sweet, convert to bitt’rest gall”2- fate violence and conflict- this foreshadows the turning point in act 3 scene 1

Juliet internal conflict-“My only love sprung from my only hate”
“THAT I MUST LOVE A LAOTHED ENEMY”-Juliet uses uses the juxtaposition of “Love” and hate highlighting her inner turmoil and also ‘must’ indicted that she has no other choice. She is in love with Romeo and cannot change the fact. This presents conflict for Juliet, as she cannot change what she feels-despite knowing she should
Act 2 Scene 2:Juliet and internal conflict
“I am too quickly won,” “it is too rash,too unadvisedly, too sudden”- in the orchard she seems slightly hesitant-she realised this intense love holds danger”


“O calm dishonourable vile submission!”

“Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you walk?”2

“Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your one lives”

“I am for you” [Drawing]”
“O Rome, Romeo brave Mercutio is dead”
“And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now”
They fight; Tybalt falls

“Tybalt, here slain, whose Romeo’s hand did slay”

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Light and darkness quotes


SS creates a contrast between light and darkness.

“O she doth teach the touches to burn bright!”

She is also “the sun”2 who an kill the “envious moon” and later in the scene here eyes are like “the fairest stars in all the heaven”

“She hangs upon the cheek of night/ As a rich Jewel in an Ethiop’s ear”

Romeo is compared with light
Juliet claims that if he dies he should be cut “in little stars/ And he will make the face of heaven so fine/ That all the world will be in love with night/ And pay no worship to the garnish sun”

Like love darkness is associated with mystery
In fact the day works against them. At the end of their honeymoon night, they must part before the light arrives so he is not caught and killed
The night time/ dark is when we witness the most important moments shared between the lovers- their meeting; the balcony scene; the sucicide. And violence is rife in the day ,almost reflects that to avoid violence they need to hide under the cover of darkness.

Their love blossoms at night- a time where they are away from the public. Arguably it also represents a sense of secrecy

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