Male Urogenital Flashcards
rare type of malformation of the penis in which the urethra ends in an opening on the dorsum (upper aspect ) of the penis.
Absence of one or both testes from the scrotum
birth defect of the urethra that involves an abnormally placed urinary meatus that opens anywhere along a line (the urethral groove) running from the tip along the ventral aspect (underside ) of the shaft to the junction of the penis and scrotum or perineum.
most common birth defect of the male genitalia.
Second most common birth defect of male genitalia
an abnormal enlargement of the vein draining the testicles
inflammatory arthritis of large joints including commonly the knee and the back (esp. the sacroiliac joint), inflammation of the eyes in the form of conjunctivitis or uveitis, and urethritis in men or cervicitis in women along with mucocutaneous lesions.
reactive arthritis/Reiter’s Syndrome
Multinucleated giant cell, characteristic of
herpes simplex
condyloma accumulata is most often caused by which strains of HPV?
6, 11
occurs when the spermatic cord twists, cutting off the blood supply to the testicle
testicular torsion
The most common underlying cause of testicular torsion is a congenital malformation
bell-clapper deformity
What side are most varicoceles found?
Accumulation of fluids around a testicle caused by fluid secreted into the tunica vaginalis
hydrocele testis
A hydrocele (will/will not) transilluminate and a tumor (will/will not)
will; will not
most common solid malignant tumor in men between the ages of 20 and 35
primary testicular tumors